Title: Restoring Balance
Sequel to:
“Origin of Troubles” - is required reading before starting this story ;)
Crossover: Stargate SG-1
Spoilers: Stargate everything, White Collar just to be safe seasons 1-3
Timeline: Stargate after Continuum, White Collar somewhere between 3.1 and 3.10
Summary: What connects an Air Force Colonel, an FBI agent and a con man? Neal Caffrey.
A/N: Can be also a fill to the drowning square on my h/c bingo card, if you squint your eye … or the water made your vision blurry (as my beta pointed out) ;).
Beta: By wonderful mam711 keeping an eye on grammar and story structure. Plus Miran Anders keeping an eye on Stargate world references.
Part 1 |
Part 2