I'm nineteen. Uni started for the year on my birthday.
Nineteen doesn't feel any different to eighteen. I suppose I should stop expecting it to.
My sweet loot haul was quite small this year - I hauled most of the loot I wanted for Christmas - but I got a pretty ring and a couple of books and felt justified asking my boyfriend to procure some anime for me.
As I was walking around in the rain this morning, people kept offering to give me a gift. It wasn't personal, though. It was a New Testament handout thing.
I don't do New Year's resolutions. The first of January is such an arbitrary date, and I always forget. I do them on my birthday instead.
-I will be vry srs about my education. I will do all my homework and go to all my lectures and get good marks for everything.
-I will be diligent with my writing, fanfic and original. To that end, I will aim for and probably not achieve monthly postings.
-I will be less shy, on the internet and in real life. Friends are good. I should make more of them.
-This one is private.
-I will pay attention to politics. I'm old enough to vote. I should know what's going on.
And uni's started, so I'm back in the residential college. My room's better this year. I have a sink.
Something funny happened with the window-latch. It's missing a screw, so it looks like it's fine and it does hold the window shut, but if I give the window a push or someone from outside pulls, the latch spins and the window opens. It's interesting. It's basically exactly what I would do if I wanted to be able to break in later. It wouldn't be so much of a problem, but it's the window facing the road and we have a lot of laptop theft. I'm waiting for Maintenance to come round now.
It's not over yet, but so far it's been a good day.