(no subject)

Apr 30, 2005 11:02

Today, it begins. Until now, we were just playing. But today it's real. Today it begins. Classes ended on Wednesday, Thursday I spent on Crim Law, and yesterday on International (the ones I feel have fewer time allotted to them in the following schedule, and also I have not completed outlines on). But today begins The Real Stuff.

My study schedule schedule is as following:

Civ Pro (exam Monday @ 5pm-Tuesday @ 5pm - 24 hour take home, open outline and Rules book): Today, Sunday, Monday

International Law (exam Friday @ 5pm - three hours - bring anything you want as long as it's not online and doesn't breathe): Tuesday night, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Spend Friday night on Crim law...

Property (exam Tuesday @ 5pm, three hours, closed book/notes): Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday

Crim law (exam Friday @ 5pm, three hours, outline allowed "so you don't freak out, not that you'll have time to use it"): Tuesday night, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

In other news, E Nomine is the name of an Amazing German Band that made it to #2 in the charts last year. Here's a translated link so you can hear their music. I've just pirated about 10 songs...


Check out "Midnight" aka "Mitternacht" on the real thing. Seriously, you'll be happy you did. (Chris - this is the group that did that German song you sent me with the anime! Whee! Found the REAL group and they are AMAZING! Carmina Burana meets 2005!)

So with all of my new music, I am set to go...

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