Book Meme

May 07, 2005 10:35


Prose or Poetry?

Both. I adore prose but poetry... there's nothing quite like Alexander Pope.

Book(s) you're reading now:

Mort by PTerry and A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchman

Last book(s) you read:

PTerry's Jingo and Monstrous Regiment

Next book you're going to buy/read:

Probably Going Postal,
Book you've read the most times:

Hmm... Probably Lord of the Rings. When I'm desperate for a good read and hating life because sometimes it seems there are no more good authors out there (after a series of bad books) I'll return to my beloved Tolkien. I think his books are the only ones that I consider the sentences to be *beautiful* - as I would poetry. I cried when I finished LotR, because they were the most perfect books I'd ever read... and I knew that Tolkien had passed away and would Write No More. :-(

Tolkien, I love you!!!

Longest book you've read:

War and Peace or It by Steven King. Maybe the one I'm working on - A Distant Mirror by Barbara Tuchmann...

Book you've read in the shortest time (relative to the number of pages):

Hmm... I used to go to the library as a child and pick out six good books. (Not kids books - more like Clan of the Cavebear or some such thing... Anyway, I'd draw a hot bath, settle in, and pick a book out of my stack. And then I'd read it in the tub - six, eight, or ten hours later I would emerge. :-) Sometimes they were done, sometimes not.

I read Chronicles of Narnia in a week... the Anne of Green Gables series in two weeks... and The Belgariad and Mallorean series in 8 weeks. Ah, the days when I had time to read non-stop!

Oh! I read Guards! Guards in a day and a half, and I laughed through the whole thing!

One book you wanted to read that disappointed you:

Two books for me: Middlemarch by George Eliot and Mansbury Park by Jane Austen. I was on a classic love stories kick and those two, attempted in a row, killed it for me. I remember being so mad at the world b/c there were No More Good Books and then picking up, out of desperation, The Hobbit that was sitting on my parents' shelf. Ah, bliss!

Have you read books in a language different from yours?

Winnie Ille Poo or Winnie the Pooh in Latin. I also enjoy translating Medieval lyric poetry from Latin in my spare time...

Writer you've read the most books from:

Hmm... This is hard b/c I consider "series" of books as a single book. So when I think of a writer I've read the most books from, I tend to think of a writer I've read the most INDIVIDUAL books from. Nevertheless:

Series books: Eddings - I've read about 12(?) of his books, CS Lewis - I read the Chronicles of Narnia plus Screwtape letters, Surprised by Joy, Mere Christianity, some sci-fi and short stories...

Individual books: Probably about 10 Terry Pratchetts so far (more to come!!), and adding it up, about 16 Steven Kings. (I hit a Steven King kick last year.)

Some books you like (not necessarily your faves):

IT by Steven King

The Green Mile by Steven King

Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett

Night Watch by Terry Pratchett

Rusalka by Cherryh

Lord of the Rings (of course)

Pawn of Prophecy the first Belgariad book, my absolute favorite of them!

Belgarath and Polgara by Eddings are also great

Essay on Man (poetry) by Alexander Pope

...I could go on all day... :-)

3 books you don't like:

Um, none that I finished. :-) If I didn't like a book, I'd stop reading it.