Title: Archaeology
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize is mine. I gain nothing of material value from this.
Pairings: Gen.
Summary: In its fourth year, Daniel and SG-1 seek urgently to strengthen ties with allies and find the resources they need in the escalating war with the Goa'uld, balancing between right and wrong, truth and lie, and life and death.
Notes: This is the sequel to
Brotherhood, which is the sequel to
Diplomacy, which is the sequel to
Translations. This will probably only make sense if you've read those already. Specific spoilers are for anything from Season 1 through early to mid- Season 5 and mentions of people and information from later seasons.
Warnings: Secondary character death (not necessarily same as canon deaths); mild language and violence.
1b Chapter2 Chapter3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6 Chapter7a--
7b Chapter8 Chapter9a--
9b Chapter10 Chapter11 Chapter12a--
12b Chapter13a--
13b Chapter14a--
14b Chapter15a--
15b Chapter16a--
16b Chapter17a--
17b Chapter18 Chapter19a--
19b Chapter20a--
20b Chapter21 Chapter22a--
22b Chapter23 Chapter24 Chapter25 Chapter26 Chapter27a--
27b Chapter28 Chapter29 EpilogueA--
B Sequel:
Journeys For those who care about this kind of thing, I started this series before I realized there was actually a canon date for when COTG took place (February, 1997). As seemed reasonable for a sort of bildungsroman, beginnings and endings of my novels often hinge on Daniel's birthday (July 8), so my whole timeline is shifted about half a year behind canon. I'm a little bummed to realize that, but I guess it's not a really big deal, since not many of the stories happen on Earth, anyway. Not that I'm expecting people to be matching this up to canon timelines with a calendar; this is just in case anyone's wondering, because I was :)