1. Initials: JLB
2. Name someone with the same birthday as you: Cody Friedman, Lauren Bernstein
3. Last thing you drank: Water
4. For or against same sex marriges: For
5. I say Shotgun You say: DUCK
6. Last person you hugged: Reanne I think
7. Do you believe in God: Kinda, but not at all in the traditional sense. Like not even close. Seriously not close.
8. How many U.S states have you been to: 8 plus Washington DC. Not including ones I just passed through.
9. How many of the U.S states have you lived in: 1
10. Ever lived outside of the US: Nope, haven't even left.
11: Something physical you like about yourself: My eyes, yum.
12. Something non-physical you like about yourself: I think I'm at least a little bit talented.
13. What is your dad's name: Marc
14. Why are you still up: Cuz I never got to bed this early.
15. Who made you angry today: Noah, but this is nothing new. I HATE THAT KID. HE IS OUT TO RUIN MY LIFE.
16. Favorite type of Food: Italiano
17. Favorite holiday: Chanukah, duh.
18. Do you download music: Yes.
19. What illegal things have you done: Dowloading, smuggling food into movie theatres, trespassing, being in a car with a driver with no liscence. Man am I pathetic.
20. Where would you want to go on a first date: Out. I don't really care where.
21. If you were a celebrity of the opposite gender, who would you be? Meryl Streep. Duh.
22. Do you love anyone: Romantically? Nobody right now.
23. Do you like Bush? Scuse me while I go throw up.
24. Have you ever bungee jumped: No
25. Have you ever been to another country: Nope
26. Have you ever white-water rafted: No
27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you: Hah I wish (only sorta not really)
28. How much money ya got: 11$
29. Have you met a real redneck: Nope
30.How is the weather outside: Fall-esque. Mildly cold.
31. What song are you listening to right now: Apology to a Cow
32. What is your current favorite song: "Breathe Me"-Sia. Maybe. I have a lot.
33. What was the last movie you watched: Half of "Water"
34. Do you wear contacts: Nah
35. Where was the last place you went besides your house: My therapist
36. What are you afraid of: Failure, being unhappyin the long run
37. How many piercings and tattoos do you have: Zippo
38. How many pets do you have: None
39. Have you ever loved someone: Not really.
40. What turns you on: YO MOTHAAAAAAA
41. What do you usually order from Starbucks: Hot chocolate. Yay me. Occasionally Vanilla frappuccino, but I like the bottled ones better for some reason.
42. Have you ever fired a gun: Not a real one. A bunch of stage ones with friggin' loud blanks.
43. Are you missing someone: Yess
44. Favorite TV show: Six Feet Under is my life. Oh and Grey's Anatomy
45. Do you have an iPod?: No.
46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb: Young Marlon Brando. I sorta see it too.
47. Whats your mom's name: Lolly
48. Who would you like to see right now: Wendla. And her boobs.
49. Favorite band of all time: I like too many!
50. Do you find yourself loved: Why is this question phrased so stupidly? I guess so.
51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to: Yeeeeah
52. Favorite flower: Rose
53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn: Butter and parmesan
54. What books are you reading: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Five Children and It (Yes, I read British childrens' books)
55. Have you ever ridden in a limo: Yes
56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away: Not really
57. Do you watch MTV: Nope
58. What's something that really bugs you: Cocky people. And squeaky noises.
59. Whats your favorite hobby: Theatreing
60. Do you like Michael Jackson: Sorta, he's all right
61. Whats your favorite smell: Cinnamon, rain, gasoline
62. Favorite basketball team: Harlem Globetrotters. Because they're funny.
63. Favorite cereal: Frosted flakes or Lucky Charms
64. Do you drive: I have my permit, but I don't drive much.
65. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep: Like 27 hours maybe
66. Last time you went bowling: For Hannah's birthday party in August
67. Where is the weirdest place you have slept: On a hillside in the mountains (not in a tent) , or squished betweena girl and a couch.
68. Who was your last phone call: My mother.
69. Last time you were at work: Never.
70. What’s your favorite state to be in: Shock and awe. (I love not answering the question as it was intended to be answered)
So anyway, we finally came up with a title for the play we're writing as the Fall show, which means it actually might be performed. We have like 12 days. WE haven't even found out what parts we have yet. STILL. Anyway, the title is "Where I'm From" based on the poem we started with. I can deal with that. We will so not be ready to perform in time, though.
Today with my therapist we talked more about my social anxiety, and what kind of person I have to be to succeed in the theatre world, and whether I can avoid stepping on all of the people I know to get there, which is scary. People love to backstab, and I find myself doing that a lot more than I wish I would.
High Altitude is sounding really amazing on our songs fo rhte showcase, plus we've already learned one for the winter concert already. We fit together a lot better than last year. I just wish Cooper (and Robert to some extent) had better skill at finding parts and singing in general. But fortunately our blend is good enough that they're sort of drowned out when we all sing together. but let me just reiterate how much I loathe singing bass. I AM NOT A BASS. I HATE BASS PARTS GAH.
I would really like to get over this cold.