There is a dreamer, and there is one who dreams. There is one who dreams of a better life, and one who strives for it. There is one who dwells on the failures, and one who learns from them. One of these is fated to dream, the other takes the chance to live.
The fact is that everyone starts off ignorant and stupid. What dictates our success is whether or not we chose to learn and think for ourselves; to question everything every way we can and then accept what we will, through the eyes of the objective witness.
Under this grey, ashen surface An ember still feebly glows. My spirit still endures. No matter how hard you try You can not take that from me, Because I am free.
Flower petals. Cast into the air Like dust in the wind. Forced to the ground By gravity. Then crushed under the heels Of the ignorant. Leaving a red stain Upon the ground.