I found some files about Lilith I had, and decided to post them here............. I don't really worship her, but I've been interested in her for years.........
I took the first text from Web Witches (a MSN group), the second was given to me by a friend................ it's really sad, but I love it........
Lilith, Goddess of Power
From: Shrine of the Forgotten Goddessess
I dance my life for myself
I am whole
I am complete
I say what I mean
and I mean what I say
I dance the dark and the light
the conscious and the unconscious
the sane and the insane
and I speak from myself
with total conviction
without regard for how I might look
All the parts of myself
flow into the whole
all my divergent selves unite as one
I listen
to what needs to be heard
I never make excuses
I feel my feelings
deeply and profoundly
I never hide
I live my sexuality
to please myself
and pleasure others
I express it as it needs to be expressed
from the core of myself
from the wholeness of my dance
I am female
I am sexual
I am power
I was greatly feared.
The Mythology
Lilith (pronounced lil'ith) was originally the Sumerian Queen of Heaven, A Goddess older than Inanna. The Hebrews took the Goddess and transformed her into the first wife of Adam, who refused to lie beneath him when having intercourse. She insisted that because they were created equal, they needed to have sex equally. When Adam refused, she left him. Thereafter, in Jewish mythology, she was described as a demon.
The Lessons of this Goddess
Lilith appears to tell you to take back your power. Where are the places you have lost or given away your power? What beliefs do you hold that deny your power? Have you been told that powerful women never find mates? Or that women can't have power because that would make them unfeminine? Have you been teased, shunned, ostracized by others when you've stepped into your power? Are you afraid of misusing your power to dominate or maniputlate? The Goddess says that the way to wholeness for you now lies in acknowledging that you're not connecting with your power, then second coming to terms with and accepting your power.
In the beginning
God made the earth and the sky and the sea
God reached into the waters
formed a womb in my hand
and put it in the sky
with Her own breath
God filled womb with Lilith
first woman
Deep inside the womb
Lilith began her birthing
the womb grew heavy with woman
until one day
Lilith pushed her arms outward
tore the walls which held her
to reach the sky
The sky received her smiling
Lilith embraced all life
her wings of fire
not knowing where sky began
and her own self ended
Lilith looked down
saw a shadow on the water
She saw herself hovering over the deep
Lilith rejoiced
thinking she had found another like herself
spoke to the image
which did not answer
First loneliness
And God said: it is not good
for woman to be alone
I will make her a companion
As Lilith is sky
so man shall be earth
And God made man
from the dust of the ground
breathed into him the breath of life
and man became a living being
Then God brought Lilith to dry land
There upon the soil
Lilith became still
seeing a place which did not move
like wind or water
Lilith said:
I will stay awhile
Then, he appeared
and came toward her
his eyes still spoke of birth
like hers
and yet she know a difference
this one stood solid on the ground
He said: I am Adam child of Adamah
walk with me and I will show you the earth
Lilith smiled and said: I am Lilith
with wings of fire
come and I will show you the sky
But Adam, afraid of Lilith's wings of fire
fell to the earth
needing her companion
removed her wings of fire
hurled them to the sky
Adam saw Lilith without her fire
no longer afraid
he rose to meet her
Woman and man walked together
sharing memories of their own first hours
Lilith remembered a spirit on the waters
called to the sun to return her fire
Adam knew her now
and would not be afraid
But Adam
still afraid of woman's fire
forced Lilith to the ground
hoping to make her more like himself
but she continued calling
Then Adam understood
the power of this holding
forced himself down upon her
Lilith felt his strength as pain
closed her eyes
first sleep of terror
Deep inside her own darkness
under the fear of man
Lilith forgot her sky birth
and awoke
without memory
second woman
Eve opened her eyes
saw Adam standing large before her
he moved and revealed the sun
Adam said: I will call you woman
because you come from man
Serve me
and I will protect you from strange fires
Eve upon the earth
gave herself to man
and God sad parent of creation
seeing woman slave to man
and man afraid of woman
God knew
She must give them life and death
the passing of generations
so one future man and woman
as intended at creation
And God planted the tree of knowledge in the garden saying
You must choose eternity or knowledge
for on the day you eat this fruit
you shall surely die
And Eve said: I want to know
And felt a strange remembering
she saw the tree was good for food
and a delight to the eyes
so she took the fruit and ate it
Adam ate with her
Then Eve heard the evening wind
moving in the garden
and some dark memory stirred her soul
a memory of fire
a spirit on the waters
Adam saw death
the lost eternity of man
and said: In pain you shall bear my children
your desire will be toward me
Eve left the garden
with her master
mourning a self not quite remembered
we are your children
we are the changing generations
help us recover our wings of fire
so we can come together
woman and man
as intended by God
in the beginning
of creation