Title: Flame beneath ashes - Bonus chapter: In the best of all possible worlds
Summary: Set just after the events of Flame beneath Ashes. Finally alone, Jack and Ianto reconnect to each other.
Rating: M
Characters: Ianto Jones, Jack Harkness.
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Genres: Alternate universe/romance.
Warnings: Graphic sexual content
Spoilers: Spoilers
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Comments 5
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I'm really sorry for being missing in action for so long. Real life dealt me a terrible blow and it has taken me this long to recover.
This fic was a wonderful way to end my day.
Thanks again. I started to think nobody read it or worse, nobody liked it.
Great seeing new stories from you. This is oh so lovely & just right. Love the way Jack is taking the time to assure Ianto that the scars do not matter. I'm sure, in time, Ianto will come to realize that more & more. In the meantime, Jack is there for him, always. Beautiful read.
I hope you're getting better. Carpel Tunnel flare-up is so painful. *hug*
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