I think it's in the air. Last week I was in a gas station shop getting drinks for my daughter and when I came out my ankle crumpled completely out of nowhere and I ***fell of the damn curb***!!! Now that would have been so bad, I've fallen off plenty of curbs in my day, so I did the usual "go down, roll and back up" and all would have been well...but then there was that confounded PARKING BLOCK!!!
I fell over that next and drilled my right knee into the blacktop. I knew it was bad, so without looking at it I got in the car and started to drive home with "the look of pure evil" on my face and my daughter saying "find your happy place, mama!"
That night I took a pair of tweezers into the bath with me as I had to pull bits of gravel and black top out of my knee. Yeouwch!!!
I hope you are more in phase with gravity this week and in the future!!!
Normally I know what I did to make me fall down, but I swear this came out of nowhere. I was walking one second and falling the next.
Your fall sounds much more painful than mine - a double whammy. Yikes.
At least I wasn't like J's ex girlfriend who got up from the dinner table at a restaurant and didn't remember there was step up to the table and fell right on top a table full of strangers scattering their drinks and knocking everything onto the floor. He said they barely out out of the place before they were consumed with hysterical laughter. If I hadn't twisted, I would have taken the poor guy and the chair down with me. I quite possibly might have split open laughing if I'd done that. ;)
J was right behind me when I fell and he said the guy's girlfriend (who was sitting across from him at the table) glared at me like I was trying to take her man or something.
I laugh at myself when I do things like this, but I am also extremely embarassed and I would rather take it on the chin than possibly fall on top of somebody. I once fell off a dock in Maine and because some guy was coming in in his fishing boat, I twisted my ankle all to hell so I landed on the dock and not in the water so as not to draw attention to myself. If I'd fallen into the water I would not have hurt myself, instead I started sophomore year of high school in an ace bandage hobbling around. :)
Must be something in the air! I took a dive in the kitchen at work recently. Luckily, there was only one person in there at the time, and he was talking on his cell phone starting at the view, so no one really saw my good swan dive gone bad. Except for the camera, that is. My work is high security, so there are cameras everywhere. I just hope they don't save that one for posterity's sake =P
My favorite fall story is from my tumble down stairs at a Dead Can Dance concert in Chicago. My husband got down the stairs ahead of me, looked up at me and said, "be careful, don't fall" (knowing my propensity for taking dives). Not one to blindly take orders, I chose that moment to fall down about 6 stairs and land with a thud and a cracked rib. I think I felt sorriest for the usher. Poor man looked like he'd seen a ghost =)
My chin still hurts! It never did bruise though, but my knee sure did. Well, let's hope the falling syndrome is over and we can both walk about without falling on our asses for a while. ")
The Curse of the Schmandlepeel!handleschmandleAugust 7 2007, 04:19:50 UTC
My banana peel curse apparently works! That's what you get for laughing at Pedley, buster. (By the way, I didn't know that Pedley bled after that fall....he bled and you cackled like an evil goblin.....damn, woman!)
Actually, I feel bad that you fell like that. The chin wack...ouch!
And what was that dumbass girlfriend's problem that gave you the evil eye after you fell? It's not like you were aiming for the dude's crotch with your mouth formed into a gaping "O", right?
Re: The Curse of the Schmandlepeel!nightcircleAugust 7 2007, 14:19:42 UTC
Well, I did get a lot of jokes from J after the fall about how it did sort of look like that. I don't think my mouth was in a gaping "O" except maybe from surprise? Besides, we are not talking Stuart Townsend here, dude, we are talking hairy, overweight Ren Faire type and she was rather alarming herself.
I wonder if I would actually take a fall to get Stuart's attention? Possibly not the best first impression, but I'm sure he'd actually notice me. Now I am laughing my ass off picturing this. And if he was with Charlize, she could get up and punch me. Now I have to stop writing or people are going to come into my cube and ask me what the hell is so funny.
"Hark, who goeth there into my crotch?!"handleschmandleAugust 7 2007, 23:29:07 UTC
I thought of how you'd probably crotch dive for Stuart after I sent that last reply off. I'm thinking of ways I could "accidentally" nude body slam myself into a crush.... I'm all about being appropriate so if it came off like an accident, it would be cool, right? Right?
Did the Ren Faire type scream, "Doth thousest crotch divest into my lapeth?!" or however the hell those dudes talk....
Comments 10
I fell over that next and drilled my right knee into the blacktop. I knew it was bad, so without looking at it I got in the car and started to drive home with "the look of pure evil" on my face and my daughter saying "find your happy place, mama!"
That night I took a pair of tweezers into the bath with me as I had to pull bits of gravel and black top out of my knee. Yeouwch!!!
I hope you are more in phase with gravity this week and in the future!!!
Your fall sounds much more painful than mine - a double whammy. Yikes.
At least I wasn't like J's ex girlfriend who got up from the dinner table at a restaurant and didn't remember there was step up to the table and fell right on top a table full of strangers scattering their drinks and knocking everything onto the floor. He said they barely out out of the place before they were consumed with hysterical laughter. If I hadn't twisted, I would have taken the poor guy and the chair down with me. I quite possibly might have split open laughing if I'd done that. ;)
I laugh at myself when I do things like this, but I am also extremely embarassed and I would rather take it on the chin than possibly fall on top of somebody. I once fell off a dock in Maine and because some guy was coming in in his fishing boat, I twisted my ankle all to hell so I landed on the dock and not in the water so as not to draw attention to myself. If I'd fallen into the water I would not have hurt myself, instead I started sophomore year of high school in an ace bandage hobbling around. :)
My favorite fall story is from my tumble down stairs at a Dead Can Dance concert in Chicago. My husband got down the stairs ahead of me, looked up at me and said, "be careful, don't fall" (knowing my propensity for taking dives). Not one to blindly take orders, I chose that moment to fall down about 6 stairs and land with a thud and a cracked rib. I think I felt sorriest for the usher. Poor man looked like he'd seen a ghost =)
Actually, I feel bad that you fell like that. The chin wack...ouch!
And what was that dumbass girlfriend's problem that gave you the evil eye after you fell? It's not like you were aiming for the dude's crotch with your mouth formed into a gaping "O", right?
I wonder if I would actually take a fall to get Stuart's attention? Possibly not the best first impression, but I'm sure he'd actually notice me. Now I am laughing my ass off picturing this. And if he was with Charlize, she could get up and punch me. Now I have to stop writing or people are going to come into my cube and ask me what the hell is so funny.
Did the Ren Faire type scream, "Doth thousest crotch divest into my lapeth?!" or however the hell those dudes talk....
I almost typed "Oh, SNAP!", but I didn't know if he would have thought I was babbling incoherently (even more so than normal)......
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