The vampires here cannot all be trusted. Without arousing suspicion about my own nature, and therefore Yuuki Cross'- Ah, no, Yuuki-sama's, I will continue to gather more information on the vampires in the City.
Shizuka Hiou may present a problem.
The Kiryuu twins... will need more watching.
Kaname-sama... is not here. And should not be forced to come here.
I will return her to you, Kaname Kuran. The pureblood line- Your pureblood line. I've sworn it.
The appropriate behavior only arouses her suspicions. So you'll forgive me, won't you, Kaname-sama, if I treat her as Yuuki Cross? For her, of course.
Yuuki-sama~! ♥
How about a walk with yours truly, hmm? You know, Day Class girls would just die for a chance like that! Time with Idol!
It's almost like a date~ isn't it?