I agonized over the wording for weeks. I still don't quite like how I ended it, but what I wanted to say had too many double negatives. (Something along the lines of "They just didn't notice they weren't teaching us not to")
One thing we talked about last night was getting the community together more often for good things. It was like a family funeral where you hug everyone and say, good to see you, but not under these circumstances.
I really think you should submit this for publication somewhere. I just am not familiar enough with the options to have an actual suggestion as to where. But more eyes need to see it, and not just the eyes that are already aware of Disability Rights Activism.
I've thought about that but I'm not even sure where. Maybe the Journal of Disability and Health? I've met the editor.
What I really want to do is send a copy back to my medical school, that would be "shocked if someone said they had." I think their exact words at the time were "you're being too sensitive." That's when I started writing things down. (Not all these things happened in med school, but all but one happened during my training and that one happened to another student at a different school.)
I clicked Sammason's friends list instead of mine. (I messaged you to explain) but you're right, I am a member. I've also seen your comments there and really like your writing.
I messaged you to tell you more, have you seen it?
I'm a multiply disabled pediatrician who cares for disabled children. My LJ is frequently, although not always, about the contrast between how illness and disability are presented in professional settings and how they are experienced by actual people with actual disabilities. Sometimes I talk about other aspects of health care or other aspects of disability. Sometimes I talk about cooking or folk dance or something completely unrelated! And a lot of entries are locked.
Comments 21
One thing we talked about last night was getting the community together more often for good things. It was like a family funeral where you hug everyone and say, good to see you, but not under these circumstances.
I've thought about that but I'm not even sure where. Maybe the Journal of Disability and Health? I've met the editor.
What I really want to do is send a copy back to my medical school, that would be "shocked if someone said they had." I think their exact words at the time were "you're being too sensitive." That's when I started writing things down. (Not all these things happened in med school, but all but one happened during my training and that one happened to another student at a different school.)
I've also seen your comments there and really like your writing.
I messaged you to tell you more, have you seen it?
I'm a multiply disabled pediatrician who cares for disabled children.
My LJ is frequently, although not always, about the contrast between how illness and disability are presented in professional settings and how they are experienced by actual people with actual disabilities. Sometimes I talk about other aspects of health care or other aspects of disability. Sometimes I talk about cooking or folk dance or something completely unrelated! And a lot of entries are locked.
I agree we should add each other
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