Title: Growing Up Dorian Chapter: 1 Author: nighthawkms (beta'd by mostepotente Genre: Future!Fic, Possibly AU Chapter Rating: PG Warnings: Slash, Obscenities, Angst, Character Death Chapter Pairing:(s) Click to be Spoiled: ( Spoilers! )
Obviously I need to go on vacation more often. :3. You know how I feel about this fic (as in a loves it to little ittle pieces), and I'm glad you've finally gotten off your butt to share it with other people!
Oh this is brilliant! They're totally their parents children.And I can so see JD.He is a wonderful father... This will al be from Jacks perspective, won't it? First I thought I would be missing something but it's sooo cute *sigh* Can't wait for the next part. And:I don't think you're crazy...okay maybe a little bit.But I'm really looking forward to that fic now. (sorry, I think my english is *very* bad today, don't now why..)
Comments 21
Now about that other fic of ours...
*dangles JD over the Pit of Voles* WEEP FOR IT, PERRY. WEEP FOR IT.
This will al be from Jacks perspective, won't it? First I thought I would be missing something but it's sooo cute *sigh*
Can't wait for the next part.
And:I don't think you're crazy...okay maybe a little bit.But I'm really looking forward to that fic now.
(sorry, I think my english is *very* bad today, don't now why..)
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