so yeah. ... sold out. i rang on the 27th. i cant fucking believe this. i am too sorry. i think i want to throw up - i am buying your placebo ticket for you. i know it wont help. FUCK. IM SO FUCKING ANGRY. i have also posted to YYY communities incase someone needs to sell their tickets. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. I am soooo sorry. i dont know when they sold out but *sigh* oh marley. *hangs head*
dad says it´s all cool for us to come stay but he says that reord companies are pretty tight with giving out free tickets these days cause they are loosing so much money cause if ipods and shit,.
plus. he wouldn´t know if we could until closer to the date. so he says it´s better to buy them. but he has put my name down.
so i figure if we are lucky enough to get free tickets we could just then try and sell our other ones.
YAY thats fine that your dad might not get free tickets- i wasnt expecting it. but im just so excited! im sure we could sell them if we do get some free ones. *hugs and tonnes of kisses*
It's all ok. Robyn is giving me most of the money i need as a birthday present. Although now she's going to have to deal with me screaming, singing in everyones ear and maybe crying.
I can't actually comprehend how excited i am to most probably be going.
Comments 27
or is it read you say that.
or is that just totally gramatically incorrect...
claz. again thankyou for trying.
you did good kid. ha. no really you did.
and i love you for it.
good news time.
dad says it´s all cool for us to come stay but he says that reord companies are pretty tight with giving out free tickets these days cause they are loosing so much money cause if ipods and shit,.
plus. he wouldn´t know if we could until closer to the date. so he says it´s better to buy them. but he has put my name down.
so i figure if we are lucky enough to get free tickets we could just then try and sell our other ones.
yay for that!
miss you fool.
*hugs and tonnes of kisses*
when do placebo go on sale?
we need to catch up when i´m home in.... 10 DAYS.
i am not going to have enough for placebo.
kill me.
kill me.
jesus marley you are home so soon it is soooo good.
you know it. you know it. you know it.
oh. and you.
and depending on when they go on sale and how much i have left after world travel.
i could help with the ticket.
but i can´t promise.
I can't actually comprehend how excited i am to most probably be going.
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