Done for challenge 12 over at
gibbs_dinozzo 'Write a story (make a piece of art) based on one or more items on Tony's bucket list!'
I chose #15 - Create DiNozzo coat of arms. Probably not what Tony hand in mind and definitely not the traditional kind but apparently a coat of arms is supposed to reflect the person it is for so I chose some very 'Tony' things for it *g*
Interesting side note I found
this site If you put in your surname (and there's a coat of arms listed under your name) it'll tell you your motto . . . Apparently mine is Cave adsum which means 'Beware I am here' *dies laughing* and scarily apt!!!!!!!!!!!
Update: Just out of curiosity I put the names Gibbs & DiNozzo into the above site. It didn't have anything for DiNozzo but for Gibbs it had the motto Tenax propositi which means 'Firm of purpose' . . . . I though it was amazing how much that fits our Gibbs. . . . :)