Happy holidays, frek!

Jan 06, 2008 00:06

To: frek
From: fayemeadows

Title: untitled
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Frank/Gerard
Word Count: 1742-ish
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Not real. TOMRAD STEP AWAY FROM THE FIC.
Summary: It's Projekt Gaymolution & Frank *really* wants Gerard.
Notes: Happy Holidays, babe! Hope you like it. And thank you to my beta, M, for listening to me bitch and wibble.

"Dude, your brother is an idiot."

Mikey grinned and continued typing on his Sidekick. Frank couldn't even count the number of nights he'd fallen asleep to the sounds of Mikey's fingers flying over the keys.

"You've *met* Gerard, right?"

Frank grumbled and sank lower in his seat, resting his temple against the cool bus windowpane.

"I just-what the fuck else do I have to do?" Frank whined, poking a Mikey's kneecap until he shut his phone with an annoyed sigh.

"Why don't you talk to him?"

"Yes, well, that'll go fucking great. 'Hey, Gee, I know you just got married and all but I've had a fucking thing for you for years and Jamia doesn't care so if you could fuck me that would be swell'."

Mikey rolled his eyes.


"I think Frank is in heat or something," Gerard said around the rim of his coffee cup.

Ray laughed.


"You two are so stupid."

Gerard blinked at him and Ray laughed again.


Bob really hoped he didn't have to punch someone over this seventh grade bullshit.


Another night, another show, and after watching Frank and Gerard hump each other up and down the stage the rest of the band decided they'd had enough.

"I'm rooming with Mikey," Ray announced, plucking the keycard from Frank's fingers and handing over his.


"Shut up," Mikey interrupted, watching the numbers on the elevator change.


"Oh, for fuck's sake," Bob growled, more exhauted than angry. "We're all sick of the two of you and we're not letting you out of the fucking room until you figure things out."

"What things?" Gerard said not convincingly and Frank stayed silent. Gerard looked at him and Frank held his gaze, totally blank expression on his face.

"Fine, whatever," Gerard huffed.

"Look, it's this or we lock you in a fucking closet," Ray said, hoisting his duffel bag over his shoulder as they all shoved to be first out of the elevator.


Gerard actually jumped when the bathroom door clicked shut, glancing at Frank to see if he noticed.

"What?" he asked defensively as Frank sat on the other bed and watched him with a smirk.

"Why are you so twitchy?"

Gerard mumbled something about being tired and too much coffee and needing a shower, and Frank laughed because none of those things had ever bothered Gerard in the entire time Frank had known him.


Gerard turned to look at him and narrowed his eyes.

"Actually, if we're asking questions, I have one," he said, chin jutted out in what was supposed to be defiance but Frank knew better.


"What the *fuck* is up with you lately?" Gerard asked. "Seriously, you fucking hump me onstage all fucking night then ignore me later. Did I piss you off or something?"

Frank stared at him, mouth dry as he realized that wanting to have this conversation and actually having it were in fact two totally separate things.

"Hello? You can't not talk to me, man, seriously."

Frank rubbed a hand over his eyes and sighed.

"Gerard-," Frank stopped, utterly unable to finish the thought. There were too many words - his mouth couldn't hold them all.

Gerard looked at him, his whole face a question, and at Frank's silence he shook his head and turned back to his bag.

"No, don't," Frank stood and walked across the room, stopping right behind Gerard. He rested his forehead against Gerard's back.

"Look at me," he said quietly.

Gerard rolled his eyes and turned around, hands on his hips and a very bitchy expression on his face.

Frank tucked a piece of hair behind Gerard's ear and chewed at the spot on his lip where the ring used to be. Gerard looked at him with an eyebrow raised.


Frank pressed a palm against Gerard's chest, feeling his heart beat for a minute before shoving Gerard down on the bed and straddling his hips.

"What the fuck?" Gerard yelped - actually he squeaked, or Frank would claim he did later; Gerard maintained it was a very manly surprised noise - and Frank pressed a hand over his mouth.

"You asked what was up with me," Frank replied and his voice was low and his eyes were serious and Gerard thought it was an extremely good look for him.

Gerard opened his mouth to say something but, hey, Frank was sliding his hands under Gerard's shirt and that was sort of great, and a downright *evil* grin flickered across Frank's face when Gerard arched up into his touch.

"Is this," Gerard started and Frank ignored him, way too focused on right now - Gerard wiggling under his palms, biting his lip - shit, they were all right; he was fucking stupid to have waited so long.

"Frank, we should-" Gerard tried again and Frank groaned, pulling away enough to stare at Gerard in a way that clearly said 'please shut the fuck up right now'.

"Stop thinking," he murmured, lips trailing down to suck at the smooth skin behind Gerard's ear.

Gerard began to protest again and groaned when Frank grazed his teeth lightly over Gerard's earlobe. Frank stayed there and whispered so low Gerard could barely hear him.

"Is she going to care?"

Gerard shook his head and Frank exhaled, dragging his mouth to meet Gerard's in a messy, hot, oh god, so good kiss. They'd kissed before, obviously, but for show in front of fans and this…this was so much better. Frank pressed his hips down, grinding against Gerard who fisted the back of his shirt and whined high in his throat.

"Off, off," he muttered, pulling Frank's shirt awkwardly over his head, one arm stuck in the sleeve, and Frank giggled which made Gerard giggle and, god, they really did sound like girls sometimes. Frank flung his shirt across the room, raising his arms in a triumphant '"v"; Gerard trailed a hand down his chest and stomach, lingering for a half second around his belt before pulling the leather through his pant loops.

"This would be less awkward if you stood up," Gerard breathed.

"Or," Frank replied, leaning down to roll onto his back, pulling Gerard on top of him.

"Hi," he said with a grin.

"This will not help with the 'let's take off our pants' idea," Gerard said resting his mouth against Frank's collarbone, pressing a soft kiss there.

Frank wrapped his leg around the back of Gerard's thigh, rocking against him and whimpering at the friction.

"S'okay," he said, breath hitching when Gerard mouthed at his neck, hot tongue sliding out after each bite.

Frank clung to Gerard like he was drowning; the room was unbearably warm and he couldn't be close enough, taste enough. Gerard pushed up on one arm and slid his other hand down Frank's body, fingers tracing the length of Frank's cock through his jeans.

"Can I suck you?" Gerard whispered, breath tickling Frank's ear and Frank groaned - he wouldn't have to, Frank was going to come in his pants from Gerard's voice alone.

"If you want-" and Frank remembered being in control when this started and now he sounded blown open and desperate.

"I want to," Gerard said, licking his lips and if Frank could've ever refused now was really not the time. It just…it was *Gerard* and his stupid earnest face and his smeared eyeliner and Frank really just fucking loved him.

"Yeah, yeah, okay."

Gerard slid off the bed and knelt between Frank's legs, tugging Frank's jeans and boxers down to his ankles.

"Sexy," he teased, trailing his fingertips up Frank's calves and the inside of his thighs.

"You love it," Frank replied, twitching when Gerard hit a ticklish spot.

Frank planted his palms on the bed behind him, resting his weight and Gerard squeezed his thigh tightly before sliding down, taking the head of Frank's cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue. Frank sucked in a breath and his head lolled back as Gerard pulled up and slid back down tightly. Gerard moaned around him and Frank shook, hips snapping up erratically - Frank would have apologized but Gerard slid his hands under Frank's thighs and pulled him closer, taking him deep into the squeeze of his throat.

Frank willed himself to last but Gerard had other plans, one hand sliding up to cup his balls, a finger pressing behind, lightly rubbing the flesh there until Frank was babbling and petting Gerard's head.

"Gee, fuckfuck, I can't," but Gerard kept going, moaning every time Frank fisted his hair.

The vibrations sent Frank over the edge and he came with a harsh gasp, heartbeat pounding in his ears. Gerard stroked him lightly through the aftershocks, and when Frank finally opened his eyes, he found Gerard still kneeling on the floor, resting his forehead against Frank's thigh.

"Wait, let me," Frank said but Gerard shook his head, his breathing shallow.

"No, I'm close," Gerard answered, his hand shoved into his pants. Frank threaded his fingers through Gerard's hair and pulled his head back.

"Look at me," he said and Gerard grunted and bit his lip, eyes half-closed.

"Fuck, no, look at me. I want to see it, want to see you come."

Frank tightened his grip and Gerard gasped, a strangled "shitohgod" escaping before he finished, body tight and shaking.

They sat like that - Frank's fingers twisted through Gerard's hair, Gerard half-slumped on the floor - until Frank hauled Gerard onto the bed and they laid side by side staring at the ceiling.

"So, we should probably shower," Frank said and Gerard laughed.


Frank rolled over until he was half-draped over Gerard and buried his face in Gerard's neck. Gerard turned his head and Frank reached up, catching his lips in a kiss.

"Later, okay?" Gerard murmured, pulling Frank completely on top him and sliding a leg between Frank's thighs.


The next morning when they showed up at Ray and Mikey's door for breakfast holding hands, the guys grinned and went about their day.

(And Bob was really, *really* happy about not having to punch anyone.)

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