Here, let me drop off my canonreview material!
01 - All cutscenes from SB2H. Part 1.
02 - Part 2.
03 - Stage 1 of her storymode. Next stages in the related videos.
01 - This playlist contains the entirety of her red and green/purple paths, dubbed. I'd like to take a moment to appreciate her dub, because she completely nailed the role.
02 - In the original Japanese, cutscenes. Subbed! Part 1.
03 - Part 2.
04 - Part 3.
01 - Battle quotes.
02 - Storymode.
01 - The start of her route, before it branches off into one of the other colors. Dub. Transcribed by me.
02 - Red Path. I may have missed some stuff, but I was going off of a certain playthrough (linked above), and don't think anyone else has posted a complete playthrough of her routes yet.