If you are easily offended by satire, DO NOT READ THIS! This is probably along the same lines of humour that SouthPark uses. There WILL BE some stereotypes. THis is NOT MEANT to OFFEND anyone, or to be racist or bigotted, but just to give people a laugh at a time of unease.
America is the "renegade hall monitor". KInda like when Screech in Saved By The Bell went CRAZY and started giving everyone detentions. THe USA tries to follow most of the UN's rules (within reason) and wants everyone else to follow too. It goes out of its way to do its job, by learning CPR and the heimlech meanuever, and will give someone money or food if they need it one day. But is it still just insulted and never thanked.
Britain is the "renegade hall monitor's" best friend. Sometimes they think that America goes to far but they back them up cuz they're buddies.
North Korea is that 5'5" little punk that always tries to mess with people even though it knows that if they did they woudl get their asses kicked.
Iraq is that bad ass that has been in and out of Juvi Hall and that everyone around them is kinda afraid of, but too afraid to speak against. Its on probation but yet trying to act like it has clout by making demands. It doesn't want its locker checked for drugs cuz if it was they'd find that and then some! It likes to keep its operation on the down low b/c they wanna take over the school!
France is the wussy kid whos also a hall monitor who buys its drugs (oil deals) from Iraq. It doesn't want Iraq found out b/c it (France) woudl look bad in the process too! France always backs down form any kinda challenge. It gave up playing even spades b/c they lost the first game. They gave up on video games too b/c they kept getting their asses handed to them in Mortal Kombat. NOw at the beginning of MK, he jsut waves the white flag so it doens't actually have to get involved in the fight. France also has self-esteem problems. Its been mad since Germany kicked its ass and America saved it, so now they must be ungreatful and diss America by trying to act like its low-class trailer trash.
Germany is another hall monitor that sells some of its drugs (weapons) to Iraq. If America and Britain (the renegade hall monitors) checked Iraq's locker, they'd find Germany's initials all over Iraq's drugs. Germany used to be like Iraq but it got its ass kicked good by America and Britain.
Israel is the 5'5" kid that everyone keeps fuckign with even though its a bad idea since they know tae-kwon-do and all this shit and cna kick anyone's ass with intelligence. Israel takes more than its fair share of poundings but retaliates with a mean punch! No one except for America or Britain like Israel. It cna't be a hall monitor b/c they woudl jsut kick everyones' asses instead of just giving detentions.
Turkey is the kid thats on the "Free lunch program". It may help America get Iraq if they buy them pizza or burgers for lunch for a LONG time. Getting the mush they give out at the free lunch program tastes like shit if you eat it everyday.
Russia is the kid that always comes to school plastered.
Cuba is that kid in its own little world that doens't have much money but plays those role playing games.
Columbia is the school's coke-head. It says its controlling its problem but it really isn't.
Canada is the kid that no one will really listen to unless it involves money since it can't kick anyeon's ass.
The Netherlands (Amsterdam) is the school's wannabe rock star with all the drugs, sex, and rock-n-roll. It wants to be just like Mick Jagger.
Japan is the smart kid inventing all these neat little gadgets. It always wins the "INvent America" contest and everyone wants to sit next to them in class for tests so they can copy their answers. Probably gonna be the Valedcitorian and go to MIT.
CHina is kinda sadistic when it comes to anyone that seems to challenge it (Human RIghts Violations, TIbet). They are beginning to conform to the rest of the high school so it can start getting its hands on other people's money.
Iran is the religious fanatic. It has its own problems.
Mexico is the kid that keeps running away from home.
Saudi Arabia is the rich spoiled backstabbing son-of-a-bitch that will be nice to you while telling your enemies secrets about you the next minute and helping them try to kick your ass (some of the Saudi Royal Family gave $$$ to some of the Sept 11th highjackers). You never know when you should trust them or not.
Austrailia is the rich kid that stays to themselves but they're kinda glad about it because they don't want any piece of what America and Britain wanna do. They're waiting for college to have fun.
Brazil is the hot slutty girl that wears hot slutty outfits that's always finding her way to the best parties (Carneval). She's definitely sorority girl and Girls Gone Wild material!