Author's Notes: We Fell in Love in a Hopeless Place

Aug 03, 2012 12:15

Consider yourself warned: this will be long.

Where do I even begin?

At the beginning, I suppose. This story was originally plotted at NorWesCon in 2011. souleswanderer listened to me ramble about an insane idea involving the Js, uber powerful fighting machines, and a post-apocalyptic world. She told me to go for it.

Along came sandymg who acted as my alpha and my friend. Her gentle guidance and encouragement kept me going.

vail_kagami listened to me ramble when she could give a crap about RPF fic. I suppose that's what best friends do, and trust me, she's the best.

summerholt sat with me for hours on our writing nights. She offered her scientific knowledge, patience, and most importantly, her friendship. I can't say how fortunate I am to have stumbled across her at NashCon 2011.

And my beta runawaydr3amer: I would be lost without her. She took a mediocre story and turned into something I'm so proud of. Her enthusiasm, tireless energy, and incredible kindness will always be an inspiration to me. If I had half her grammar skills, I'd be set for life.

Finally, my artist apieceofcake. How the heck did I luck out and score an artist like her?! Did you see the art? Even if you don't care for the story, please give the art a look. It's incredible. I can't thank you enough, hon. You captured the true essence of the story.

I would like to thank wendy and thehighwaywoman for organizing such an amazing challenge. This is my first solo BB. I feel honored to be a part of such an fantastic event.

In the end, I simply ran out of time and didn't finish the story where I wanted to. I had so much more planned. There's always hope for a sequel one day.

Also, I considered doing a fanmix containing the music I listened to while writing this story. If you're interested, give a shout and I'll put it together.

we fell in love in a hopeless place, big bang, author's notes

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