All I have to say is this, insomnia bites -.- Though this is one time I wish I could blame this sleeplessness on insomnia ;.; Oh well, one night of not sleeping isn't going to kill me is it?
Been up off and on since I got home from Woofys so I thought to kill a little bit of time by updating all on whats been up with me ^^ so um... ;.; well this is awakward ;.; nothing has been happening to me that is of intrest at all really ^^; sorry guys I'm just a boring little foxy these days ne?
Thinking about weird things at this time of night.. well morning I guess you can call it now. Been thinking about getting a tattoo again amoung other things. Yeah I know, shocking isn't it coming from little ol'pure me wanting a tattoo :-p Well guess what peoples, I'M NOT THAT INNOCENT! Muhahaha! *coughs* Anyway ^^;
Been thinking about getting that fox from my new icon *shameless pulg inserted here* put on my ankle, but I'm afaid that if that dosen't go well I'm never going to get the tattoo I really want. Get this all, I want full back wing tattoos. For those that really know me not really that big of a surprise ne? I don't know why but ever since I was little I've had this obsession about getting a tattoo like that but never had the guts until recently to even admit that to people. I know this is going to sound weird, but having something like that would make me feel... I don't know, more complete I guess in some odd way... I'm so weird sometimes. But then I also would like to see myself with full arm, (not sleeve mind you, just on the tops of my upper arm to about my wrist), tattos of celtic tribal designs. World tree on the left arm, just mirrored designs, no tree, on the right. Those I know I will never get though because I'm not going to get a tattoo unless its appealing. And even the way I envision the arm ones, they would never look good on a girl. Perticularly one of my stature. The back one however... that one I really don;t care if its appealing or not... Very few people would ever get to see most of it, heck any of it knowing my dress habits. Getting that one would be more of a... personal thing.
Meh, but then again I'm just being weird. Like a lot of the other things in my life I highly doubt I will ever get it. For two this is just late night ramblings ^^b Easy to do on a night like this though. Was storming out tonight... I hate storms -.- So childish to still be that afraid of them but no matter what I do I cannot get over it ;.; Childish really... I wonder if its the memories stired up by them. I miss a lot of those people thses days, but things always have to change. People change and go to new lives, thats the way it always has to be... I just wish I hadn't lost contact with so many of them. And the few I do still have contact with... I'm to much of a recluse and a coward to talk to them again. We shared a lot of good, but hard times and its not easy for me to get past them. *sighs*
Ya know I wonder... looking at some of my friends journals and such... I wonder if I'm one of the few people who really does treat lj as a real journal and not as a posting board on whats happening lol. Public entries never get the real personal stuff but a lot of my feelings go into these entries... weird that it makes me feel better to get them out in the open like this. *laughs to herself* I guess thats why I never get comments on my journals eaither ~.^ Oh well, back to trying to sleep again. Till 6 months down the road when I update again!