A heartfelt welcome to all the new people. It seems an opportune time to mention that along with physical healing and demonic energy purification, I also have a degree in psychotherapy. It seems to me that some of you may be in need of a little mental healing in the near future.
fsshuuukitty, thank you again for the kind gift of the kitten.
I have named her Lumikai'i and she is debilitatingly adorable.
I have done nothing of use in the past six hours but make a fool of myself on my living room floor playing with her. ^__^;;
On a final note, I bring you some very entertaining art. Do forgive me Light-san, Zuko-san, Sasuke-san, you know I adore you.
(link) Ahahaha. :)
(link) ...Excuse me a minute while I attempt to hold myself together. :) :) :)
(link) Soft spot for squirrel-cats, Zuko-san? ^______^
(link) ...It finally makes sense. So that is why he chose her over me. ~_^
(link) ...*doubles over* Oh Sasuke-san, I am sorry, but... XD
(link) I hope you all enjoyed those as much as I did. ^___________^ *amused... a lot*