{ information } relationships

Nov 01, 2009 12:59

Allen Walker { jigsawfalls } Allen and Tyki met on February 24th, 1998, at a Mardi Grad party, where they most literally ran into each other, resulting in at least one spilled drink and a soaked Allen. So she took him home, loaned him some clothes, and expected it to end there-- but of course it didn't. She bet him five bucks she could tell him where he got his shoes, and after he foiled her little scam and beat her at several lively rounds of poker, she vowed that she would get that five bucks out of him no matter what it took. Over the eight months they've known each other, he's started to grow on her, slowly. He's the first person to identify her little secret so quickly and not get judgmental over it that she can't help but keep him around. While she's had friends before, she's never known someone so sincere. She likes that they can laugh and not have to be guys or girls or anything together. She can just be whatever she wants, and he makes her feel accepted no matter what she's doing.
Cyril Kamelot { bywhispers } Tyki's abusive elder brother and caretaker for most of her childhood, her loathing for him is what helped awaken her Noah. His cruel physical, mental, and emotional punishments have left a permanent scar on her, even though she's been out from under his roof for over seven years. Awakening to her Noah meant that she was forced to encounter him again, which only served to fan the flames. A part of her wants to think that he's still her brother and her only living relative, so she needs to keep him close, and that his behavior can all be pinned on their father's treatment of him, but she has a hard time stomaching that. And yet for some reason, she still opens the door for him when he drops by her apartment. Dressing Room
Tyki Mikk { cardio_swindle } Just about what she would expect out of a male version of herself, from her own past. The first "other" version of herself that she met in the dressing room. That part still weirds her out a little bit.
Cross Marian { gunlessgeneral } Just about what she'd expect out of an Exorcist General, except with less "I'll kill you" and more flirting. That sort of confuses her, but she's not going to argue if she can walk by him and not get shot at. Beyond that, he's not her world's Cross, so she's more or less neutral on his existence, so long as he doesn't try to kill her or stick a hand down her blouse.
Lavi { beautifulalias } Her relationship with this particularly Lavi, dubbed Red, is kind of delicate. Tyki sees her former self in this particular Lavi, skittish and scared of something (what, she doesn't know yet) and because of the positive influence Allen's had on her this time around, she really wants to help out, however she can. She's a little uncouth about it, as she's not exactly a registered therapist, but her heart is in the right place. She wants to show Lavi that life can go on and that living scared is no way to exist.
Wisely { demoneyewisdom } tba
Allison Walker { latenightmoon } She's Allen. With boobs. Naturally, she's taken, much to Tyki's chagrin, and by another of herself? That's just adding insult to injury.
Yuu Kanda { lotus_exorcist } Like all Kandas, fun to tease. Tyki feels a little bad for him though. He was pretty busted up and even if she won't admit it, she secretly hopes he got the medical attention he needed.
Robin { sealed_stitches } tba
Miranda Lotto { failingfelicity } Not quite one of her family, but that doesn't seem to stop Tyki from treating her like she would other family members, if only because she doesn't appreciate Miranda's lack of discretion when it comes to dismembering her victims.
Lavi { notouchsis } Cruel and unusual. What sort of sibling actively endeavors to swap their younger sibling's gender against their will? Tyki will be staying away from this one.

* relationships

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