Title: There Hundred and Sixty-Five Days
Author: Nightsky Angel (Serenity)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Angel Sanctuary
Theme/Challenge: Theme One Hundred: 365 Days
Fandom: Angel Sanctuary
Paring: Setsuna MudouXSara Mudou
Rating: PG, for incest
Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Days
By Serenity
Three hundred and sixty-five days.
There isn’t all that much you can do for yourself other than wish yourself good luck and pick up the whole “prayer” thing your mother always did. Because, you know, it just might work this time. You might be able to keep one of your resolutions.
You already have twenty-four days. Twenty-four days of not loving Sara.
You think it might be a good idea to do the whole prayer thing. ‘Cause you know you don’t want to send your sister to Hell. So this whole “you-don’t-love-Sara” thing better work.
And as long you don’t see her, it will work. Of this, you’re sure.
(Just remember that you don’t even have three hundred and sixty-five days. You’ve already gotten through twenty-four of them. And then next year you can just start over, again.)