Ganked from
gimme_opals 1) What's the character's name? Chrodechild (crow-da-killed)
2) How old is he/she? 25
3) Is the character a boy or girl? A GIRL, despite some people's misconceptions
4) What's his/her race? Human
1) If this character were to suddenly become part of the 3D world, and ended up in a heavily-populated area, how many stares would he/she get?
A lot. The swords at her hips would at least draw some attention (and might even get her arrested depending on local weapon laws). OTOH, if the heavily crowded area was something like Otakon, then everyone would just be commenting on her "KEWL costume" and asking to take her picture.
2) Is the character considered normal in his/her own world? Define "normal"? I don't know, I suppose she's fairly conventional for a badass swordswinging mercenary-turned-queen.
3) What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s)? She's fairly attractive with those big green eyes of hers, and the swords and blue uniform are pretty noticeable.
4) Would you consider the character as attractive? Hell yeah I'd do her.
1) Temper: It is deeply buried, but when it surfaces, she is fiery as hell and twice as dangerous.
2) Does the character ever get depressed?: Yes, certainly. Like most emotions she tries to conceal it publicly, but she's definitely prone towards a bit of melancholy.
3) Leader or Follower? By inclination and occupation, leader, but she'll follow someone if she thinks they're worthy (e.g., Sieg).
4) What is the main aspect of his/her personality? I see her as very stoic yet driven. She's a bundle of energy wrapped inside a seemingly static form.
1) Does the character have a family of any sort? Her only living family is her younger sister Fredegund. Her parents were killed by the Order of the One True Way.
2) Is the character out on his/her own? If you mean, is she an independent adult, then yes. If you mean is she "alone in the world"--in Budehuc, she certainly feels that way, though she's trying to maintain and develop friendships as best she can. At home, she's always surrounded by retainers and the like.
3) Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events? She's touched twelve Chronicles and thus watched eleven worlds die. She saw Janaam crushed by Valfred's world fusion chicanery. She discovered her long-lost sister to be alive only to learn she was brainwashed to hate Chrodechild (though fortunately they've since reconciled). She fought in part of a terrifying war versus a being wanting to strip sentient beings of free will.
So, no, obviously.
At Budehuc, she hasn't seen much traumatic yet on a personal scale.
4) What was probably the best time in his/her life so far? Not sure. Probably reconciling and spending time with Fredegund, or giggling in corners and sparring with Yula.
At Budehuc, she's quite pleased with how her first weapon practice session went.
1) Single? Yes.
2) Has the character developed any romantic relationships? At Budehuc, no. Previously, she's unknowingly unrequited a lot of suitors (and knowingly rejected at least one). I can't decide what the nature of her relationship with Yula was, whether they were just friends or there was something more to their knowing glances between each other (hard to tell, with Nintendo DS graphics).
3) Virgin? Probably, or if not, still quite inexperienced.
4) Does the character like flirting? Chrodechild considers flirting an alien and incomprehensible behavior, and doesn't know when anyone's doing it to her, let alone how to do it herself.
1) What animal would you associate the character with? A wolf. A bit of a lone wolf, but also dedicated to her pack.
2) Musical Instrument? French horn. Elegant, rich in tone, but sonorous and powerful when it needs to be.
3) Element? Well, she has a lot of Lightning and Earth powers, which I think equally fit her well.
4) Planet? Since she's the bearer of the "Gemini" Chronicle, I'll go with Mercury.
Showing the Love:
1) Do you draw your character? I haven't yet, but it's probably a matter of time.
2) Do you write about him/her? No, not outside of roleplaying.
3) Do you use him/her in any rpgs? Just this one.
4) What other ways have you appreciated the character? When she showed up in Suikoden: Tierkreis I had a tendency to emote pithy epithets of adulation, like, "Awwwww, yeah!" and "Rock on!"
1) Is the character wanted for anything? For a crime? No. I think Roberto and Asad "want" her for something, but if you ask her, she'll have no idea.
2) What are three weaknesses in him/her?
Oblivious: As well as she can read an opponent's moves in battle, she can't read anyone's emotions in a normal social context--unless someone is being terribly obvious about it--to save her life. She can sense hostility and friendliness and that's about it. It makes it difficult for her to connect to people, even though she can certainly be diplomatic when she tries.
Stubborn: When she's on a course, it's hard to get her off of it. And if it involves protecting a friend or ally... or especially her sister..... yeah, good luck with that.
Reticent: She's not very forthcoming about herself, although she's working on it (sometimes blurting out her life story at random strangers... she's practicing; she'll get better). She's realized she needs to talk about herself to get people to understand her, but she's very protective of herself. A product of a lifetime on the run, probably.
3) Strengths?
Duty-bound: Although this can be a weakness too, she very much defines herself by her duties to her people, her sister, and her friends. Like all true leaders, she lives to serve, and has the best interests of the community in mind at all times.
Compassionate: If someone's pain is obvious (and it has to be obvious; see: Obliviousness), she takes it to heart and tries to do what she can to alleviate that pain. She realizes with her lack of talent in empathizing she knows sometimes that's to leave well enough alone, but if she sees a way she can help (or thinks she can), she will.
Fearless: She's lived her life as a warrior and faced down some tremendously horrifying things and just kept trucking. The few things that she does actually feel fear at she will still face down as best she can.
4) Does the character drink or smoke (ect.)? She drinks socially, and seeing that she's lived the life of a mercenary of a few years, probably can hold her liquor pretty well.
5) What's one quirk about him/her? At least as I've been playing her/as the muse urges me to, she has a deeply buried mischievous side. She has a very deadpan sense of humor, laughing internally to jokes that few others pick up on. See her recent conversation with Euram as an example.
6) Does the character have any phobias? World destruction, and losing her sister (by her sister's death or just by being emotionally separated from her again).
7) What could you do to get him/her into a blind rage? Give Fredegund so much as a nasty glare and see what happens. Just try it. (Fortunately or unfortunately as the case may be, there is no Fredegund in the RP, but she's developing protective tendencies over a few other people in her place.)
8) Does the character like chickens? They're a bit noisy and stinky, but they do taste delicious.
The Final Question:
What would you consider your relationship with the character to be like?: I would be alternately intimidated by and attracted to her, and she probably wouldn't give me the time of day. (Well, she would if I asked for it, probably, but she's very polite.)