Title: Feels Like Floating (aka Going Down With this Ship)
nightswhisperFandom: Avengers
Characters/Pairings: Clint/Natasha, Maria/Phil, implied past!Natasha/Unnamed Male
Summary: Natasha didn't have friends really. She couldn't afford them. THen the spitfire known as Hill joined the troop. A look at the development of Natasha and Maria's friendship
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Comments 3
And no, I don't mind the ship. My mindset is that if you can make me believe it then I'll read it and you made me believe it. Maria all fired up and determined and thinking Coulson is daft with his trading cards, ha, but then realising that she cares. It's sweet.
Thank you hun! I will say it's made me want to explore more Maria + Tasha friendship feels. Yup.
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