Holy cow! It's the mother of all question lists!

Apr 30, 2010 21:36

Because you know I can't resist the question lists...

200. My middle name is: Mary-Mitchell
199. I was born on: April 5, 1965
198. I am really: An alien? Well, I feel like one sometimes, but who doesn't?
197. My mobile phone company is: Alltel
196. My eye color is: They're grey with flecks of green, blue, and gold, but they will pick up different colors depending on what I wear. So I've had people say that my eyes are blue, green, grey, or hazel.
195. My shoe size is: 9.5 US
194. My ring size is: 6
193. My height is: 5'8"ish
192. I am allergic to: Certain molds. It's not really an issue since I live in a dry climate now.
191. I was born in: Ireland. Family moved to the States when I was 8 months old, but I spent many summers there when I was a kid/teen.
190. I live in: Colorado
189. The last book I read: My 957th re-read of Here Be Dragons by Sharon Kay Penman. Medieval Wales FTW!
188. My bed is: Non-existent. I sleep on a couch. And I'm actually much happier that way.
187. One thing you hate about yourself: I'm lazy. And kind of flaky.
186. My favorite childhood memory: Riding my horse.
185. My first pet's name was: My first pet that was solely mine and not a "family pet": A black and white rat named Wellington. I got him for my 5th birthday from my then-18-year-old half-brother, just before he went off to 'Nam.
184. My Favorite color: Dark green
183. Hair Length: Right now it's shoulder-length(ish)
182. Speaking of hair, is it your natural color: Yes.
181. Weapon of choice: I'm fond of 9mm semi-automatic pistols. Mine was a Beretta. Small, light(ish), not too much of a kick. Used to use it for dot shooting.
180. Hobbies: Digital coloring, writing, sleeping. ;)
179. My favorite Holiday is: Can't say I have one. I don't really celebrate them.
Where the heck is Number 178?
177. The last song I downloaded: I don't recall.
176. Last song that made me cry was: "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" gets me every time.
175. Are you taken or single: Divorced and uninterested.
174. If you're taken, by whom: N/A
173. Do you like being single: Oh GOD, yes!
172. Favorite flower: Calla lilies. Or wisteria. Or clematis.
171. MP3 Player: Don't have one, don't want one.
170. What did you do last night: I crashed at like 8PM. I have yet to regain full energy levels after being sick for most of the month. :p
169. What did you do this morning: I got up and went to work.
168. Animal I like the most: Spiders. And kittehs.
167. Animal I dislike the most: Fleas. They serve no useful purpose. Even mosquitoes feed other creatures. To my knowledge, nothing eats fleas.
166. Operating System: Windows XtraPoopy
165. Collections: Nothing at the moment. Unless you count the spiders...
164. Biggest Pet Peeve: Willful ignorance.
163. Gaming Platform of Choice: PC, I suppose. All I play is The Sims 2, though.
162. Three things you'd take to a desert island: Many books. A hammock. A lifetime supply of water and non-perishable food. :)

:: I Like/Dislike ::
161. Coffee: Ick.
160. Anime: I don't get it.
159. Reading: Not ick.
158. Flowers: Not ick, but I have a tendency to kill them, so I don't tend to cultivate them. At least, not indoor ones.
156. Snow: Not ick. Especially when you have Y-chromosomed teenagers around to shovel it.
155. Driving: Love it.
154. Sports: Pretty much ick. Particularly the "professional" variety.
153. Television: Haven't watched it in...about 15 years, though we watch shows we hear about on DVD. So...pretty much ick. Commercials monumentally annoy me, which is pretty much why I said "NO MOAR!" to TV.
152. Star Trek: Adore it.
151. Smoking: MAJOR ick.
150. Fast Food: Ick, other than the very occasional craving for McDonalds French fries.
149. Candy: Meh. I like to suck on hard candies sometimes, but generally I prefer greasy salty things to sweet things.
148. Puppies: Love 'em, even though they can be a giant pain in the butt. Kittehs are so much easier.
147. Rain: I like it when it's warm outside, not when it's cold.
146. Rollercoasters/Thrill Rides: I used to like rollercoasters a lot but haven't ridden one in eons. I don't like the kind of thrill ride where they drop you from a great height, though.
144. Name Brands: Depends. I couldn't care less about brand-name clothing, for instance, but some foods...Well, the cheap-o brand just isn't as good, dangit!
143. Hiking/Camping: Used to like it a lot more than I do now. Now, I'm old, and I like my comforts.

:: I Do/Do not Believe In :: (YES/NO)
142. Love at First Sight: Yes, says the goophead romantic.
141. Luck: No
140. Fate: No
139. Yourself: As in, do I believe that I exist? Well, that's a very interesting philosophical question, isn't it?
138. Aliens: That they exist somewhere? Yes. That they visit us? No.
137. Heaven: Not as an actual physical place, no.
136. Hell: Not as an actual physical place, no. (Is there an echo in here?)
135. Ghosts: No
134. Horoscopes: No
133. Soulmates: Yes
132. Chupacabra: Maybe. I hardly think we've discovered every animal that exists on the planet.
131. Brushing my Teeth Daily: Yes. Twice daily, even.
130. SATAN: Not as an actual corporeal entity, no.

:: Which is Better ::
129. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
128. Drunk or High: How 'bout sober?
127. Phone or Online: Online. Phones of any kind are a tangible sign of evil in the world.
126. Red heads or Black hair: Black
125. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
124. Hot or Cold: Pertaining to what, I have to ask? I'd rather be cold, since I can always put on another layer of clothing or grab another blanket. One can only take off so much...
123. Summer or Winter: They're equal, but neither is my favorite. (That would be autumn.)
121. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
120. Night or Day: Night
119. Oranges or Apples: Apples
118. Curly or Straight hair: I'm glad mine is straight
117. Coke or Pepsi: I have no preference. They're both just caffeine to me.

:: Here's What I Think About ::
116. Abortion: I would never have one under any circumstances, but I'm not at all political/activist about it.
115. Backstabbers: In real life....well, no one likes them. Yet, there's Starscream the uber-popular. What does that say about us? :)
114. Parents: They can be our best friends...or our worst enemies.
113. Movies: I want CGI to die in a fiery fire of fiery death. Seriously. It has destroyed, IMO, good story-telling. Watch Hitchcock, dammit.
112. Music: Is life.
111. Religion: In terms of practice and ritual and in some cases theology, I think it's mostly BS. I strongly believe in God and am a follower of Christ, but quite frankly, my fellow Christians these days piss me off more than anything else.
110. Politics: Boring! And pointless. And ultimately meaningless and inconsequential, too.
109. The Death Penalty: All for it, but I say once sentenced, take 'em out back and shoot 'em. None of this sitting on Death Row for 30 years crap.
108. Gay Marriage: I see no reason why two people of the same gender shouldn't be able to have the same little piece of paper and the same tax penalties as two people of different genders. I mean, seriously. Who the hell cares?

:: Last time I ::
107. Rode a Motorcycle: My brother bought one when I was a kid. Maybe 10 or so. This big Harley cruising bike. He took me for a ride on it. Once. Never again, thank you.
106. Went Shopping: Grocery shopping last Friday.
105. Listened to your favorite song: Last night.
104. Snuggled a stuffed animal: Um...Maybe when I was 10?
103. Went out of town: Um....Ummmmmmmmmm... November. Went to Albuquerque for a John Michael Talbot concert. Yeah.
102. Had food: I ate a Funyun a second ago.
101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: When I went back East for my nephew's funeral, I guess. That was in 2007.
100. Cried in front of someone: About two weeks ago when the pain in my ears was really stabbingly bad. :(
99. Grew: I've been the same height since I was 9.
98. Was stung by a bee: When I was about...oh, maybe 8 or so and deliberately harassed a nest of yellowjackets.
97. Went to the beach: When I was on a cruise in...2007, I guess. It was the Bahamas. The water was FREEZING!
96. Had a bloody nose: Let's see, the last time I got punched in the face was 1986, so...then. I've never had a spontaneous nosebleed.
95. Had Japanese food: Never.
94. Saw a silent film: Hmmm...Been a long, long time.
93. Flipped a coin to determine a decision: I've never done that.
92. Took a camping trip: I was in college, so...about 1985ish.
91. Wrote (by HAND) in a Journal: Ohhhhhh...I don't remember when I fully switched to computer. Probably 2001.

:: MISC ::
90. Who is the ditziest person you know: Frosty's older son, Josiah. I made him a T-shirt with the "Intel Inside" logo on it, only I exchanged the word "Intel" for the word "Blond." (Since he has brown hair.) He loves the shirt. He has a very good sense of humor about his ditziness.
89. Who makes you laugh the most: Frosty's younger son, Lucas. He has PERFECT comedic timing, and his facial expressions are hilarious.
88. What does the acronym NRA mean to you?: National Rifle Association. I was a member for a long, long time.
87. The last movie I watched: In the theater: RoTF. At home, The Sound of Music. Ironically, I could barely hear when I watched it. *snicker*
86. Favorite Foods: Pizza and eggs. Not together.
85. Tools of the Trade: Laptop. Word processing software. Photoshop. Wacom tablet.
84. Favorite style of Art: Surrealism. Doesn't matter if it's Dali or Bosch.
83. Super Power of Choice: Flying.
82. Would you rather have the ability to fly or power of invisibility: Fly. Duh.
81. What I understand is: How to use a semicolon! :D
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is: When I asked a teacher in 1st grade why we celebrated Columbus Day when Columbus never set foot in America, and she said, and I quote, "Because."
79. Something I will miss when I leave home is: Uh, I left home when I was 16, almost 30 years ago. And as I recall, I didn't miss anything except food that wasn't generic mac and cheese. (10 cents a box, woo! Yay for poorness.)
78. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Retirement. (Yeah, like I'll be able to do that. :P )
77. The thing that I'm not looking forward to is: Can't think of anything at the moment.
76. Tomorrow: Is Saturday. Yay sleep.
75. Today: Is Friday, yay.
74. Next Summer: Will probably be much the same as this summer.
73. Next Week: It will probably snow. Yay.
72. 5 years from now: I'll be *gulp* 50.
71. Ever been Rickrolled: ...Whut?
70. If yes, tell us about the first time it happened: I repeat...Whut?
69. Beef or Chicken: Chicken
68. WITHOUT looking it up (Urban Dictionary/Google/etc), can you tell the class what a jigaboo is: Yes, because my family members when I was growing up tended to be prejudiced relics from the 40s/50s.
67. People call me: Kat, Nighty, Hey, you.
66. The person who knows the most about me: Frosty.
65. Do you like to bird watch: Yes. Especially little finches. They are amongst the cutest things on Earth, especially when it's cold and they're all poofed up. They're almost as cute as jumping spiders, even.
64. Have you ever tried Unagi: ...Whut?
63. Do you even like seafood: ABSOLUTELY NOT!
62. Favorite Music Genre: Classical
61. Ever been bungee jumping/sky diving: No. I have been hang-gliding, though. Loved it. Closest you can get to flying. :)
60. The most difficult thing to do is: Recently? Hear.
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: No. I've never even been pulled over by cop, except once to tell me that I had a headlight out...which I already knew because it had just been broken 10 minutes earlier by some guy in Home Depot's parking lot, whose cart full of 2x4s had gotten away from him. I seriously think I scared the cop with my ranting about it...
58. I have contracted an STD: No
57. My astrological sign is: Aries.
56. My Chinese zodiac: Snake.
55. The first person I talked to today was: Josiah. I said bye to him as he left for school.
54. First time you had a crush: You'll think this is weird, but I've never really had one.
53. The one person who can't hide things from me: Heh. Frosty.
52. Last time someone said something that you were thinking: Frosty always says things that I'm thinking. Spooky!
51. Right now I'm talking to: Um, no one. I'm answering this question list.
50. What is your dream job: To not have one.
49. First job: Shelving books at the children's library. I was 13. Eventually, I ended up being the coordinator of all the activities there. (Story time, Summer Reading Club, author visits, etc.)
48. I have a job at: A local company that imports and distributes buttons. I do the bookkeeping and website maintenance.
47. I have these pets: Cats, dogs, snakes, spiders.
46. I hope: That I can hear normally next week. *sigh*
45. The worst sound in the world: Pencil on paper. It makes my skin crawl. It's why I prefer to draw on the computer.
44. The person that makes me cry the most is: People don't. Movies do.
43. Writer/Poet you admire most: Jane Austen. She's had a huge influence on me. Anne Rice, too, but to a lesser extent.
42. Favorite Poem: "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.
41. Pick 4 most memorable books you've read: The Sunne in Splendour by Sharon Kay Penman. Interview With the Vampire by Anne Rice. Emma> by Jane Austen. The Bible. (Yes, all of it.)
40. 5 things within reach: My laptop. My cat Winkie who's sitting on my leg. A bag of Funyuns. The coffee table. The remote control to the DVD player.
39. Do you read while on the toilet: On occasion.
38. If so, what is your reading material of choice: Currently, there's an anthology of short mysteries in there for that purpose.
37. Favorite number: 13, to be contrary
36. Least favorite number: I can't say that I have one...
35. Florida or Hawaii: Neither, if I can help it.
34. What video games do you like to play: The Sims 2 is the only one I play.
33. My favorite piece of clothing is: My comfy baggy sweatpants.
32. My favorite sport is: I used to like to watch figure skating, when I had TV.
31. Last time I cried: Last week, with the stabby-ear-pain-with-nearly-exploding-head episode.
30. My friends are: Few, but cherished.
29. My computer is: My favorite possession.
28. The school I go to is: Haven't been a student since I graduated from college in 1991. (Yes, it took me more than four years; I had to take a break, of necessity.)
27. Last person I got mad at: The owner of the company I work for, this past Monday. We had a bit of a fight, but all was well by the end of the day, with mutual apologies.

:: Type your username with your :: (AND NO CHEATING BY USING THE BACKSPACE)
26. NOSE:
25. ELBOW:
23. FEET:

No, not gonna do these. But I touch-type, so the "eyes closed" one would not be an issue.

:: MISC Cont. ::
22. The all-time best movie is: The Lion in Winter. Every actor in it is amazing, but of course Hepburn steals the show.
21. The all-time best thing in the world is: Beautiful, sunny, warm, but not too hot weather.
20. Favorite type of Girl Scout cookies: The kind with the caramel and coconut with chocolate stripes. I forget what they're called.
19. Most overrated TV series: Wouldn't know. Don't watch.
18. The most annoying person you know is: The owner of the company I work for. She can be a bit...high-strung, which clashes with my overall mellow. :) But in general we get along well, anyway.
17. I lose respect for people who: Are willfully ignorant.
16. The movies I have cried at are: Most of them that have sad bits and/or happy endings. The Lion King is a sure-fire bawl-fest for me. The opening makes me bawl. Mufasa's death makes me bawl. The end makes me bawl. That movie is DANGEROUS! ;)
15. Closest friends: I have two.
14. Favorite website: I don't think I really have one. I bounce around a lot, depending on my mood. The other day, I spent hours reading Wil Wheaton's blog. I adore him. (And I never hated Wesley Crusher, but that's beside the point. ;) )
13. Song currently stuck in your head: "Strangers in the Night" by Frank Sinatra. I have no idea why, as I can't stand Frank Sinatra.
12. And tonight, I am going to be: Simming, I think. I haven't done so in a long while, so I think it'll be fun.
11. The worst pain ever was: Toss up. Emergency chest tube (without anesthetic) to fix a collapsed lung, a wrenched back from a car accident, or childbirth. The most vivid in my mind is the chest tube. Yee. Ouch.
10. My favorite words are: Egregious and copious.
9. My room is: Also the living room.
8. My favorite male celebrity is: Hugh Jackman. Omnomnom.
7. My favorite female celebrity is: Dunno, really. One of my favorite actresses, though, is the aforementioned Katharine Hepburn.
6. My strength is: Oooh, I am grammatically correct. Yay.
5. My weakness is: Laziness. And flakiness.
4. What I like about the opposite sex is: That they have the upper body strength to shovel cubic buttloads of snow, maybe.
3. Who broke your heart: No one really has. At times, I wonder if I have one.
1. You filled out 200 questions because: I cannot resist question lists.

question lists!, memes

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