
Apr 17, 2005 12:23

ok so i lied i'm gonna update again

If you read this, even if I don't speak to you often, you must post a memory of me. It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad, just so long as it happened. Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you...

wut can i say. i get bored easily


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Comments 22

fresca_mmm April 17 2005, 16:32:38 UTC
ok wow where do i start..
well MUSIC!! in 6th grade wow what a great 6 weeks
every single time i talk to you online, at school or one the phone..we have sooooo many laughs i love it so much!! 7th grade lunch..it is a shame we didn't have ONE class together in 8th grade..but we did get combining room on the charleston feild trip!! last semseter in math and world history..wow that was interesting!! and thoese are just some memories and there are so many more memories to come i can GUARENTEE it!

i love nicolebriannasellers with all my heart and then some more!
time 1543546547346876 million bizillion quatrilion!!!


niicole__x33 April 17 2005, 16:36:43 UTC

those memories are amazing!! and yes we will have A KRILLION more to come!!

i love sarahfayestone with all my little heart times 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 !!!

bffabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 4 lyphe.. <--hahahha


fresca_mmm April 17 2005, 16:40:01 UTC

just to seconds ago when we were laughing at our icons matching!!

hahahahh that was really funny


niicole__x33 April 17 2005, 16:44:28 UTC
hahahha gooooood times


anonymous April 17 2005, 16:56:35 UTC
WOW nicole brianna sellers me naming ALL our memories would just be completly insane SOO many Crazy times.. wow when i went to the beach with u and it was my first time BOOGIE boarding..that was just plan awesome.. umm all the shit in the gay nieghborhood.. haha umm gay ppl.. umm us just hanging out everyday of the summer aww GREAT TIMES.. Miss ya like u would never imagine but i am gald i still have ya... i know there will b plenty of more memories to come god child i luv ya TO DEATH i hate seeing u mad or sad seeing u happy makes me happpy..lol we should start hannging out more and if there is ne thing u need EVER i am here for u..LOVE YOU FOREVER.. Caitlin


niicole__x33 April 17 2005, 16:59:45 UTC
awwww ur such a sweetie!!! duhh all those memories are amazinnngg. ok maybe not the neighborhood and gay ppl but hey w/e lol !! there will deff. be much more to come! looovee yoou1!


heatherlsack27 April 17 2005, 17:50:41 UTC
Well..Miss Nicole..even though I just met you like 9 months ago alot of memories have been shared between us like: hmm you sittng behind me in gym..us being rude to mr fritz..chucking pennies at chris...and more gym stuff and hmm our morning class...us being gangsters for halloween..us being inseperable..my boo..sleepovers every weekend..becoming apart of the fam..our little vaca..this semester being in 2 classes and all our classes are right next to eachother! and hmm making a trio with sayrah..tanning..my fav..bertha.. and i cant name em all but i feel like ive known you forever.. and my life is surely blessed now with you in it and i do not know how this headcase of a person i am would do without you! i cherish our friendship and although I havent known you a long time like the others I think our friendship is just as special! Your FAB! you literally bring the only real smile to my face! i love you 7t58436757436637543675786754384 times infinity<333 hehe i win!


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