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Jun 01, 2010 21:26

Top 10 Eric Moments from Season Two Picspamfor definitely_dead


Eric: “I’ll let you know if I learn anything of use to you. Goodnight tiny humans”
Kids: “Whoa, he can fly!”


“He’s your maker, isn’t he?”
“Don’t use words you don’t understand”
“You have a lot of love for him”
“Don’t use words I don’t understand”


“Had to shield you”
“Well hurry up and heal yourself, what are you waiting for”
“I’ll go get Godric-
“No time, Sookie help”
“Eric I can’t. It’s too gross, and it’s...you”
“Help me, dying”
“Oh son of a mother-

“Got it”
“Other one”
“You’re kidding me?”


“I’m glad you’re feeling better, and may I add that colour suits you very well”
“Go to hell”


Pam: “The area has been scanned”
Chow: “The tracks were human, but the smell was distinctly animal”
Eric: “What kind?”
Pam: “The filthy one”
Chow: “We didn’t recognise it”
Eric: “How intriguing, we’ll send an alert through the appropriate channels, find out what the neighbours know. And Pam? Those were great pumps”


“Oh Billy, this paranoia, it’s really quite unbecoming. Has she mentioned me?”
“Oh, that was really quite desperate of you. Tricking her into drinking your blood so that she would become attracted to you”
“Unlike you who fed her your own blood the very night you met”
“How do you know that?”
“So you’re not denying it?”
“I was saving her life”
“Isn’t that convenient”


Eric: “Good evening old sport”
Bill: “Eric”
Eric: “It’s the new me. You like?”
Bill: “I do, very much”
Saleswoman: “Oh, okay”


Bill: “What are you doing?”
Sookie: “I sucked silver out of Eric’s chest and saved his life, though I really didn’t want to”
Eric: “She was superb”
Bill: “Eric was in no danger”
Sookie: “He...what?”
Eric: “A tiny falsehood”
Bill: “He was already healing; the bullets would have pushed themselves out. This way he’s forced you to drink his blood.”
Sookie: “No. No!”
Bill: “You’re connected. He’ll be able to sense your emotions”
Sookie: “You big lying a-hole!”
Eric: “Bill you’re right. I believe I can sense her emotions”


“Is there blood in my hair?”
“Is there blood in my hair?”
“I don’t know, I can’t see in this light”
“How about now?”
“Yeah there’s a little bit of blood in your, yeah”
“This is bad, Pam’s gonna kill me”


Boy: “Can we see your fangs?”
Eric: “Don’t you like vampires little girl?”
Sam: “Eric!”
Girl: “Our almost step-daddy hated vampires, but we don’t”
Boy: “He went on a vacation with Jesus”
Pam: “You make me so happy I never had any of you”
Eric: “Now come on Pam, they’re funny. They’re like humans but miniature, teacup humans”
Pam (in Swedish): “I hate them, they’re so stupid”
Eric (in Swedish): “But delicious”

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