The good:
- The main reason I didn't have a lot of faith in this is because I thought the human-to-droid transfer would be cliched. The biggest believability issue I have with these kind of plots is the artificial intelligence starting after the person has died, because lol, why care? Instead, Zoey's virtual self experiences her death and pain alongside her and becomes her own ghost.
The most realistic/disturbing part was Tamara (oh hi
rebelapprentice [yes that was the main reason I made myself watch after I saw her in the previews, SHUT UP GUYS CATI DOES THIS ALL THE TIME]) "waking up", not being able to feel her heartbeat, and knowing that her body was gone. I didn't think they'd go to that level of corporeal disassociation.
- I'm not saying I ship Zoey/Lacy, but there need to be more deep teen girl friendships like this in mainstream sci-fi. Or, hell, ANY female friendships like this. \o/
- Have I mentioned how much I love Zoey's character? Yes, she's annoying and a brat. But it's nice to see a highly intelligent, robot-programming young female who isn't timid or awkward.
- I LOVE THE ADAMAS AND THEIR CENTURY-LONG DYNASTY OF DADDY ISSUES. I was so confused about why the children were "Tamara and Willie Adams" and I'm glad they kept that explanation for the end. ;_;
- Hahahaha, ~*~Willie~*~ at the Buccaneers game. So cute.
- Caprica's monotheism intolerance was interesting. Also, Lacy and Zoey's school's theology and the more on colonies' religion in general.
The eh:
- "Daddy?" in a 15-year-old girl's voice coming out of a Centurion's body was too ridiculous not to laugh at. OR WAS THIS AWESOME? I am not sure.
- I didn't feel as much sympathy for Zoey's mom as I should have. Her dad, yes.
- We better get a Mamadamabot, please. I enjoyed her being amused over Tamara damaging a young lad's balls.
Watch this show because Papadama's Grandmadama loves him and bakes him his favorite cake. Spoiler: It's cherry cake!!!!