"Ranku Oukoku" (or: Ranking-Kingdom) is a program of TBS (Tokyo Broadcast System Television), where rankings of particularly several branches (DVD, CD, Anime, Manga, Games) of the entertainment business are announced weekly.
Apparantely the following Seiyuu ranking was conducted by Voice Animage.
Top 5 of Male Seiyuu:
1. Kamiya Hiroshi
2. Ono Daisuke
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Comments 11
lately Suzu only having smaller role and IIRC this Fall he only voiced 1 role T__T
O_O didn't expect you didn't know Hanazawa Kana, since she always do many roles each season it seems like a virus.
Just looked up on her (thx to sekitx2 XD).. Oookay, I know her, I just never really remember her name... Ehehehe.^^;;
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Yes, no Paku nor Rie!o_O Weird!
Hehe! Thx for the link. I knew her voice, but just never remembered her name, shame on me.^^;;
Kamiyan, OnoD, JunJun... No wonder xD
I'm glad Suzu made it to top5 ^^ and Saku-pyon! Whoa (0_o) didn't expect him being top5, but that's great xD
you're right, where's Mamo~~~? give me back my Mamo~ xDD
After his receding roles in the last, what two years?, I was expecting a drop-out of the big five. Totally happy he made it!
Yes, Sakupyon MUST be on the list IMHO! But I was expecting him the least to really made it, so I'm super-happy!
I initially thought: "Where's Mamo-chan?",upon not seeing his name on the list. That's actually the biggest surprise (and kinda shock too)...
Not surprised on Hanazawa Kana. I like her as a person, but I dislike most of her characters coz of their moeness. XD But omg omg Nana-san has always been my favorite!! It's okay at least she's one of the top 3. \(^o^)/ idgad about Sphere tbh, haha.
ps: Like your new layout. :3
I unfortunately don't know much about her as a person, let alone remember her name, though I knew her voice...^^;;
Sphere is... I kinda 'overlooked' them the whole time, hence my big surprise..? XD
Oh, thanks!:D
I miss Tokyo so much..T^T
Hon is it okay if I wanna ask a favor of you..? >__< But since it's too embarrassing to say it here, I'll PM you if you give me an 'OK'. XDD
Also to Hayashibara-san. Wow. Still very strong.
Yes! Who would've thought that? Seems, that she's got a strong, loyal fanbase. But it's nice to see a talented veteran seiyuu on the list.^___^
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