8th June, 2010

Jun 08, 2010 16:53

Wow, I've been MIA for quite some time now, but reallife has been quite a bitch this year..Sorry^^“
Nevertheless, I'm back to updating this blog now (^-^)/
I first have to catch up on writing about the things I haven't yet commented on:

Sooo, first off I'd like to congratulate our JunSu on getting the Musical Rookie Award for Mozart yesterday.. Mozart is a musician I've always admired, so I'm really proud of JunSu getting the chance to play this role.
On to comment about your single: Holy gosh JunSu, do you want us to die from bloodloss?^^ We know you can be sexy as hell, no need to kill us ;p The 2 ballads are really sweet, too.

Second, congrats to YunHo on the Michael Jackson Tribute Concert, he really rocked the stage there^^. I can't imagine how it feels, dancing&singing the songs of one of your favourite musicians in front of an audience at an official concert.
And another one trying out as musical actor, congrats on the role and hwaiting!

Third, congrats to JaeJoong on his drama, you're doing really well from what I've watched 'til now. ('cause it's still airing^^). Park SeonSu hwaiting!

Fourth, ChangMin, I have no idea what's up with your drama^^“. The last thing I heard was, that the filming in Jeju is finished, so I keep on waiting for it to air sometime, I'm sure you did great^^ and congrats for getting the role.

Fifth, congrats to YooChun on getting 2 drama roles. I watched the 1st Episode of 'Beautiful Love' on Friday an it seems to have a good start^^. I love Bad-Boy-YooChun, he's good in such roles^^.
As we haven't seen much of 'SungKyunKwan Scandal' yet, (apart from one FanCam, nice costume btw, Chunnie~^^) I can't comment on it, so~ YooChun, hwaiting!^^

Well, I think that's all...(I'll edit if I forgot smth.). The JYJ will be a different post.

lova 'ya



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