29th April, 2011

Apr 29, 2011 00:36

OmgSUN it's been ages since I last updated!!

Soo.. I‘m going to take part in a Kyudo championship this weekend!!
Okay, sounds bigger that it really is^^:
I guess there will be around 12 teams (one team = three people), at least that's around how many there wew last year, but it's always been quite fun, seeing all those people again^^ (not to mention the free food xD).
I have set myself only one really important goal for it though:
To not be last place‚ cause I placed lowest last year with.. wait for it.. zero hits!! z-e-r-o! gods, that sucked a lot xD not to mention it was kinda embarrassing ^^
I've been working on my technique though and my arrows (most of the time) fly quite straight, so it's only a problem of height now! ^____^

Which brings me to another thing:
Two weeks ago I've been at a workshop with two awesome Masters from England and I might have a solution to the height problem.. the only thing is, I didn't really have had the opportunity to train though, 'cause we didn't have had access to our trainings hall after that. (it's a school gym and with the exams going on lately, it wasn't available)
I practised a 'lil bit in my garden after I got home from the workshop, so we'll have to see^^.
But apart from that, they said my shooting was really good, stance straight and everything (apart from a problem with my grip on the bow.. it's too tight, but I have to work on that after the competition^^).
All in all, the workshop was awesome and since I know everyone (including the masters) quite well by now it's a lot of fun, too^^.

I'll update on that again when I finished that competition after this weekend, so keep tuned xD.

love 'ya

P.S.: Oh, and I didn't double check on my spelling and grammar 'cause I have to go to bed now, so if you find any errors, you can keep them xD
I'll re-check tomorrow (or sometime after that, we'll see)^^

kyudo, personal

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