Well, I've got a rather... odd sounding request to ask my friends...
Ok, so I'm a member of this
Maschinen Krieger model-making forum, and they've just announced a new group-build project-
using spoons.
I quite fancy having a go at this, and I'm working on a design, using a rather nice asprin-tub to do a sort of
Izumo Jyuki /
Patlabor 2 Ixtl labor inspired walker (but without the ankle-shooting gun). There's a device called a 'Gonk' in
Katsuhiro Otomo's Farewell To Weapons that's going to be ripped off used for inspiration as well.
Why should you care, and what's this request that I mentioned earlier? Frankly, I NEED SPOONS! I've just bought a big bag of plastic cutlery from the bargain store, and I'll hit the various other bargain/pound shops over the next few days. What I can't do is go to all those small coffee shops and cafeterias and such-like that have disposable plastic spoons, or eat tubs of Haggen-daz (however that's spelt) and Ben & Jerry's ice-cream just to get the particular spoons they come with... So if you're out and about, and encounter an interesting plastic spoon as part of your daily routine, can you keep it for me? Ideally, I'd want four of each kind, since that would be one for each leg, but I'd be happy with any random spoon!
Oh, and for those who're interested, here's a
demented frog toy ...