random news stories...

Jun 27, 2006 23:14

'Cos you know you love them...

Firstly, an amusing one from the BBC Online Magazine on Facebook: here

Fairly accurate, in many ways; it IS extremely useful for keeping in touch with people simply and easily. Not sure I agree it means the end of the blind date, at least as long as you don't know the other person's name! ;)
As for the 'facebook official' thing... Unfortunately, it could of course also lead to complications, as I for one can testify... (the "you don't love me enough, then?" variety; not that I ever had that actually said to me, but I'm pretty sure that's what a certain individual thought at one point...)

More research to prove that being the youngest son makes men more likely to be gay: here

But... (c)(tm), surely? Though I still doubt that it CAN be just 'genetic' or 'societal' (rather than a mixture of both, at least for different individuals), I quite like the spin the Stonewall campaigner puts on it... :)

Calls to move "lads' mags" unlikely to be acted on: see more

I definitely think the proposer of the bill has a point, but classifying them at the same level as top-shelf stuff? Maybe there should be a 'middle shelf' concept... ;)

CIA Flights Scandal continues at the Council of Europe - here

Glad they're keeping the pressure on this, but I doubt the timing is really appropriate (as with the story below, in fact...) - World Cup, and all... And in any case, is this actually going to achieve anything?

As Clarke attacks Blair (here), the latter defends his course/leadership/etc (here)

Back in May, the Tories reacted to the judgment acquitting Afghan hijackers by calling for a British Bill of Rights to replace the HRA (see this); while this was a lot more positive than their pledge to radically reform or scrap the Act at the last election, it is now, scarily, Labour who are proposing to do just that (read more here... and are joining the ranks of people slamming the Tory proposal (see here).

Talk about jumping on the bandwagon... At least, two of the main political parties now support fully adhering to the Human Rights Convention. It's just scary that the party in Government doesnt...

And finally - oh my God, not again: another assault on Gaza...

There you have it...

british politics, randomness, news, middle east

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