You can be fashionable while exercising!!!!!!
Who the hell said you couldnt :o????
When I'm at home....I don't really care but when I go out...I try my best to look good...because that's gonna help you not just confidence wise...but also you will run ect...with your back straight because you want to show off what your wearing!!!
So I've been doing some online exercises at home at this is what I wear:
Sport bras:
Its funny because I found the exact same one I wear ahahaaha~ I have it in Pink, Orange, Black and White like that one :o ihihihih
Right....Sport bras........
They are soooo nice and comfy whatever you say....thats what I think ehehehe heres some info I got from wikipedia:
I heard that if you dont use a sports bra you could develop cancer???
But I have no info on it unfortunatelly
Also.........I dont wear a top...cause Im on my bedroom or my garden.....
So then I wear...
I have shorts similar to these in Yellow, blue, white and black ihihihih
Shorts are lovelyyyyy~ To exercise in ihihihi they are once again comfortable and exercisable ahahaha
I love shorts demo...Im concious of my legs because they areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pretty fat so I wear pants when Im running in the park ect.....
And then Trainers ehehehehe~
Ahahaahahah you just need them ne~
I love these ones I have some similar ones~
I love them but I have them in black and pick but without the white~
When Im outside I wear all of that and:
A nice top ihihihihhihi~
This one is again the one I have and I took the pic from the shop i bought~
I have it in black and also have this one:
I have it in white, and blue eheheeh~
I think this one Is more comfortable than the other one for some reason~
and also I wear longer pants and all that~
~Recently I actually bought:
(Pictures taken from the internet because I cant find my camera)
Eehehhehe Im a pink lover u.u
Yeah I bought that here: -------------------------------------
Next chapter for Dieting:
-Exercises Online???
and Then:
-Exterior exercises
Hope you enjoyed this
Much Love
P.s Don't forget to drink tons of water :P Kiss