*yay* *special hugs for nikus* nika wiesz ja tak zawsze sie zastanawialam jak to jest kiedy ma sie prace samemu sie zarabia na zycie itd...Masz tez wlasne mieszkanie??? Wlasciwie nie wiem czemu pytam ;p poprostu jakos tak sobie pomyslalam :P:P
Byc niezaleznym to jedna z fajniejszych rzeczy! Sama decydujesz o sobie, sama zarabiasz na siebie. Ma to tez slabsze strony bo sama za wszystko odpowiadasz i jestes w zasadzie zdana na siebie ale i tak biorac wszytstko pod uwage to wychodzi sie na plus. Mieszkalam w Warszawie przez jakis czas w zeszlym roku ale od Xmas jestem u rodzicow. Na szczescie tylko do wrzesnia najpozniej bo jestem na etapie szukania nowego mieszkanka w stolicy. Takiego bardziej na stale. Mieszkanie z rodzicami nie jest zle ale juz sie nie moge doczekac znow bycia on my own!
Exactly! Her worring makes us worried even more. I'm trying to talk to her as much as I can, convincing her it's gonna be all right and she knows it will but still you can't get all those thoughts out of her head.
Aww thanks! I kinda like it too! LoVe, Naley - awwww!
I love those days too. There hasn't been many recently but now I'm taking out of it as much as possible!
She'll be fine, she just never been that sick besides having those usual illness like flu or stomach pain etc. It kinda scared her that she's gonna have to go regulary to the doctor and take other pills that aspirin.
Comments 28
hope that with your mom everything will be ok ♥
I really appreciate you saying that.
*biggest hugs + ♥*
nika wiesz ja tak zawsze sie zastanawialam jak to jest kiedy ma sie prace samemu sie zarabia na zycie itd...Masz tez wlasne mieszkanie??? Wlasciwie nie wiem czemu pytam ;p poprostu jakos tak sobie pomyslalam :P:P
I sorry to hear about your mum's heart problem. I hope that everything works out okay for her.
And finally, I really like what you've done with your userinfo page. Its really nice. :)
She'll be fine she just needs to start taking her of herself more. And stop worring about little things.
Awww thanks...I was kinda bored with the old one and I wanted my UI colors to match the front page ones. Glad you like it!
hope everythink will be ok with you mum*hug* hope she won't be so worried, coz if she's worried everyone else is worried, and it's nothing good.
Your new userinfo is so pretty! love it.:)
Love ya hundert times more!
Aww thanks! I kinda like it too! LoVe, Naley - awwww!
100 x more you say?? I bet I can beat that! lol!
sorry about your mom. i hope she'll be okay. :D
She'll be fine, she just never been that sick besides having those usual illness like flu or stomach pain etc. It kinda scared her that she's gonna have to go regulary to the doctor and take other pills that aspirin.
Love the new userinfo. ♥
She's ok...just need to change a way of life now a bit.
Thanks! I kinda like my UI too.
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