This is what we can do if we know your password:D
It's not Nika, but her crazy sisters. We wanted to do something for our love so we decided remind her our story.
So, everyone (and you, lovely Nika) sit down, relax and listen/read/see
Long, long time ago (2 years ago)
there were three strangers which decided to register to Polish OTH board.
Those three girls weren't best friends.
Nika was music girl on the board and
she was uploading music for others. Basiaclly everyone knew her.
Chmurka was craaaazy and the biggest Naley fun.. and
Ashlee was.. weirdo witch just.. posts A LOT.
three different girls, three different worlds
YES! They all loved James Lafferty!
Those of you who knew them then know how crazy Nathan's Angels were!
Some of crazy chats they had.
(they're all in Polish because that was the time when
girls were talking in Polish LOL Basically it's about James's birthday
when Nika and Ashlee thought they went to see James:P
and when Nika told girls that James had a girlfriend)
the most important is that Nika will understand:P
Ashlee jak to jak spedzil!!!! Byl ze mna i z Nika!!! i musze powiedziec ze sie swietnie bawilismy!!! prawda Nika:P
Nika Prawda Ashlee, szczera prawda! Bylo super. Najpierw odebral nas z lotniska, potem zrobilismy maly tour po Wilmington (fajne miasto). Myslalysmy ze potem zawiezie nas do hotelu a tu niespodzianka :D .
- Come on girls, you didn't think I will put my 2 greatest fans in the whole wide world in a hotel?...
i pojechcalismy do jego mieszkania, gdzie po tym jak szybko sie rozpakowalysmy zaprosil nas na wlasnorecznie przygotowany lunch na tarasie. A potem znowu niespodzianka :D .
Wsiadlysmy do limuzyny i pojechalismy do wesolego miasteczka. A tam zabawa na calego. Gdyby nie James nie wiem jak przetrwalybysmy jazde an Rollercoasterze. Potem lody i kolejna
niespodzianka :D . Jedziemy na mecz koszykowki Gwiazd w ktorym gra James. Trafil najwiecej koszy. Go James!!!. Krzyczalysmy jak opetane! Potem krotka lekcja gry.
Musialysmy udawac ze nic o koszu nie wiemy i lekcja sie przeciagnela do godziny. Dalej znow do limuzynu, do mieszkania przebrac sie i na impreze. A kogoz my tam nie widzialysmy. Cala ekipa OTH - Panstwo Murray, Pani Burton z Panem Greenberg, Bethany spiewala a
Tyler Hilton gral na gitarze razem z Gavinem DeGraw. A kiedy kazda z nas zatanczyla z James'em, to bylysmy znow w 7 niebie. (bywamy tam czesto, nie Ashlee?) Jakby tego jeszcze bylo malo James zabral nas znow na przejazdzke po miescie, tym razem by night.
Bylo cudownie! Kladac sie do lozek o 3 nad ranem myslalysmy tylko o tym co przyniesie kolejny dzien. A nazajutrz pobutka o 6:00! i na plan. Na plan, uwierzycie???
James wlasnie tego dnia krecil sceny z Haley (niestety nic nie mozemy zdradzic). Na planie czulysmy sie super, wszystkich juz znalysmy z poprzedniego wieczoru. Ale nieublaganie zblizalo sie to co nieuchronne - wieczorny powrot do domu
:( Wiedzac ze James ma gosci z Polski producent pozwolil
mu tego dnia wyjsc wczesniej. Pozegnalysmy sie wiec z ekipa i kolejna niespodzianka - James podjechal czerwoniutkim ferrari.
To dopiero byla przejazdzka az na plaze gdzie zrobilismy sobie piknik. Bylo wspaniale a jakzeby inaczej :D Tak wspaniale ze stracilismy poczucie czasu i o maly wlos nie spoznilybysmy sie na samolot. Pozegnanie na lotnisku bylo straszne..
Placz, placz i jeszcze raz placz. No ale i tak te 2 dni z Jamesem to bylo cos.
Mamy nadzieje ze swoje 20-te urodziny James zapamieta do konca zycia - tak jak my!!!
Chmurka Ale popatrzcie się na jego usta...jakie on ma śliczne usta. Normalnie stworzone żeby je całowac.
Nika powiedzial ze aktualnie ma dziewczyne..
Ashleeże, że, że co prosze??!!?!?!CO PYTAM SIE?
mam nadzieje ze to ktoras z was! bo inaczej to!
Chmurka Nie no Nika po co to napisłaś???? Żyłam sobie spokojnie w przekonaniu że James jest wolny a ty takiego newsa dajesz
Ashlee ja stracilam sens mojego zycia:(
Nika A myslicie ze ja teraz to co robie???? Caly czas musze wycierac lzy z klawiatury.
You'd be surprise if you knew how long every Nathan's Angel
was able to talk about this guy. It wasn't their only topic, though.
All three of them and few other girls were making some kind of conferences
over gadu-gadu (polish messenger) when everyone was talking with everyone.
Somewhere this time girls started posting over Fan Forum:
they didn't post there that much, though
they also started their LJs:D so you know them as
katerina84 and
laughxwithxmex people are changing so girls found
This is when Nika and Ashlee became sisters.
(Sadly when FF crushed all threads which could be a proof
for this part of story are empty.. but we remember it just fine!)
They became sisters in despair. All because they couldn't decide
who they like more - James or Jason (good reason, ha? LMAO)
Kasia's and Nika's story is diff. And here, we have proof!! LOL see:
Nika As for the meme! OMG! We have the same shoe size and my fav number is 4 too! lol.
Chmurka OMG and we both are tall and we have curly hair and we love music and love Nathan and Pawełek.
Wow we've got many things in common :) Thats great :D
NikaOh, and i forgot to write that I also have a brother. ;o)
How cool is that, my twin sis???? *hugs*
ChmurkaOMG it's awesome :) Yay I have twin sis yay :D
Paulina and Kasia weren't sisters at the time.
And because Ash is totally childish, she was really jealous of Kasia LOL
These two became sisters during one of their 'gadu-gadu' talk:P
In the min time Polish OTH Board (PLF) crushed so girls
had to find a place to chat and post:D (geeks). Paulina wanted to find some polish girls
to run thread over FF:D This is when Fan Forum became their home for good! Heeee!
(we can't show you those posts because after FF crushed our threads are empty:P)
One beautiful day girls decided to get married LOL
Everyone was sure that Kasia will be happy mrs Lafferty/Scott.
With Paulina and Nika.. there was a problem. They both wanted Jason/Logan..
BUT Nika was FASTER and she said she's mrs Dohring/Echols.
So Paulina didn't get married that day:(
(after few months she was happy mrs Greenberg/Jagielski)
It's not like Nika loved only Jason.
well.. at the moment Went is Paulina's obsession, but Nika has good good taste
so she loves him too. Plus She's the one who sent PB to Ash:D (I think so...)
well.. all three girls have obsession on this guy, but here.. Kasia is the winner:P
God only knows how much money they spent on presents, txt msgs, phone calls LOL
It may seem, that all they talk about is Fandom life.
GAH you're crazy if you think that way!!!!!!!!!!
Fandoms just helped them to find each other
or actually not. This is not the end!
*hugs tight*
katerina84 and