Hey - saw you in an addme group and you sound like the sort of person I'd really get on with. I'm Claire and I'm just coming back to LJ after a really long absence. I'm in my early 30s, married to my childhood sweetheart (less sugary than it sounds - he pretty much knocked me out the first time we met!) and we do have kids these days. I miss my cat - he died 18 months ago, but I'm hoping when the little one is a bit bigger I can wheedle a couple of kittens...
Hi I just saw your post in an addme group. I'm eelen, I am 29 and a nurse, I am in the final days of my one year contract in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. I will probably do some volunteering early next year in Fiji or Thailand and then I hope to figure out what I want to do next.
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