I've been avoiding looking at anything about it as I don't know if I'll get to upgrade my computer properly to play it when it comes out (thus I don't want to get over hyped about it before it comes out).
However this video just goes to further prove it will own when it comes out...
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Comments 4
I love the song with it, are those custom skins they're using or some effect in the game they're afflicted with?
Current ones include the corn, a drake, the cat race, and a parrot (the parrot allowing you to sneak onto a pirate ship and watch a cut scene about what the pirates are planning).
Of the nice thing, it appears the drake mission gives you unique abilities while in that form, and allows actual flight.
As for the looking like WoW, yeah a bit. Some of the rocky terrain areas look like their right out of the blasted lands. However some of the new areas are absolutely beautiful (think FFX and the yuna/tidus floating in water scene).
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