Title: The Pouring Rain Author: nikenyk Pairing: Inoobu Rating: PG Genre: Romance ka? (I don't know the genre, really.) Summary: When the two lovers, separated by situation, watch the pouring rain together.. from their own place.
Why are you bringing thesis matter here huuuuunnnnn???? T.T I want to relieve my stress by reading your fic but I just remembered about it again LOL
it's okay though
Haha Well, even if this fic just too simple But it totally sweeeetttt You really understand me, I am currently craving for inoobu fluffy <3 Thank you! :3
hai otsukaresama.. could it be.. it's not just inoo and yabu that connected.. but also us??? XDDD could it be that we are destined for each other?? lol. I'm going crazy because of the mid semester test XDD
kamu jg gitu kah?? dan trus tugastugasnya malah terbengkalai XDD
Hai hai, you can. I'll be gladly take your req, since I'm a big fan of you :''D Demo ne... I bet you already know nasib purity of love which is a requested fic ._. it may take a long time.. if u don't mind :/
Whoa midori-chan!! it's been a while! Everyone's been missing and I miss you all :'') seems like everyone's busy with rl ne? :''
yep yepp inoo and yabu could even understand each other without communicating >.<
ahaha it's okayy, no need to apologize, really. aaaand I see you wrote some fic eh, midori-chan?? I really want to read them!! but still haven't got the time ._. gomen ne ._.
Comments 14
Read it later
I want to relieve my stress by reading your fic but I just remembered about it again
it's okay though
Well, even if this fic just too simple
But it totally sweeeetttt
You really understand me, I am currently craving for inoobu fluffy <3
Thank you! :3
*kidding :p
yeah yeah, me too! me really need some inoobu sugar too<3
good to hear that it meets your need~
You don't know how crazy I am this lately hunny
Ahh nee
Last night I was flailing over inoobu and hoped someone would write a fluff fic and you wrote that!!
hai otsukaresama..
could it be.. it's not just inoo and yabu that connected.. but also us??? XDDD
could it be that we are destined for each other?? lol. I'm going crazy because of the mid semester test XDD
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what do you want to request, septi-san? >.
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Hai hai, you can. I'll be gladly take your req, since I'm a big fan of you :''D
Demo ne... I bet you already know nasib purity of love which is a requested fic ._. it may take a long time.. if u don't mind :/
it's been a while i don't write a comment to you...
hontouni gomennasai.......m(_ _)m
this fic is so sweeeettttt....
they're really connect each other ne.... ^_^
gomen :'(
Everyone's been missing and I miss you all :'')
seems like everyone's busy with rl ne? :''
yep yepp inoo and yabu could even understand each other without communicating >.<
ahaha it's okayy, no need to apologize, really. aaaand I see you wrote some fic eh, midori-chan?? I really want to read them!! but still haven't got the time ._. gomen ne ._.
kangen sama fics nya niken.. hehehehe
inoobu emang tidak bsa di pisahkan.. ^^v
are they just cuddling like that? lol I'm sorry Orz
me likes this!
'just cuddling'?? do you expect something more than 'just cuddling'? lol, pardon my corrupted mind XDD
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