Title: The Finally Successful Kissing Scene Author: nikenyk Pairing: Inoobu, Hikanoo Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Summary: Yabu's visiting Inoo and Hikaru on their filming set.
If I ended it with hika and inoo kissing i guess you will hate me hahahaha hey heyyy it's still in the middle of noon in my place.. don't go wild just yet~~ lol
hahah gomenne.. since it 4000++ words.. i find a hardship translating it. ugh. but but but.. you still remember the idea, rite....? and you're flailing about yamachan? hahahaha i guess you're already sick seeing Inoo with such weird sunglasses.
and nee.. ne... hunny bunny sweety... don't you miss me??? *puppy eyes* *gf teasing mode on*
I can't, this lately I am just going wilder over them, gyahaha, esp in rwm making when yabu cuddles inoo's arm *slapped*
Yes, I still have our chat last time so don't worry, once I re-read I will remember it again, well...I guess so, lol Inoo sunglasses really makes me lol all day, i feel pathetic cause I let my tears out once I know him as yuri's fiance, so stupid of me But yeah, he looks so perfect with that sunglasses XD
Uhn, flail over yamachan and daichan cause of kindaichi, but once i watch tds maybe will flail over inoosama again, this is the risk of having three ichibans
Aaaah my uke wanna be spoiled *smirk* Of course I miss you hunny bunny sweety Lemme kiss you now -3- But I know you are busy so I don't dare to contact you Gyahaha <333
you know what?? I havent watched rwm making yet. lol. (am I still counted as fans?) hahaha. but let's discuss it oncwe I watch!!!! hahaa
desho?? you shouldnt waste your tear for that baka. I know for sure that his drama will come out hilarious hahaha XDD and.. pardon? perfect??? lol........... *speechless*
aaaah me really really want to watch kindaichi too but the net here is suck that it took forever to download it. mehhh. it would be better if inoo was there too in kindaichi that all your ichibans are there hahaha (but if there is inoo, i would prefer inoo with yabu and hika instead of with ariyama~ ahaha)
yes yes yes your uke felt lonely all the time bcs u're not here huhu :''(( *kiss kiss kiss*
I LOVE THIS !!! AAAARGH LOVE THIS SO MUCH D////X But poor Hikaru, poor you ~ but Yabu and Inoo... aaaargh they're just meant to be DDDX Niken-san I love you!
Thank you for loving this crap!!!!!!!!! :''D ahahaha poor hika.. it also would be perfect if the drama is just about yabu and hika fighting to get inoo instead of hika inoo fighting for a girl. *sigh* (lol it's unrelated with your comment rite XDD)
and I love you too! I am interested in your fic but still dont have the time to read it. I'll read it once my final is done 'kay! wait for my comment~
yes, yes, that'd be the best story line, yabu and hika fighting for inoo. don't mind my previous comment, it's a crap.
tbh, I always envy authors who can write and convey feelings into their fic. I can't. My fics don't have feeling in it, so I don't recommend you to read them #sigh
just read comments of your fic. there must be comments that saying that they love your fic, rite? how can they love something that doesnt have feeling in it? it's just my opinion tho ._.
and... I think that happened to most writer.. since I always feel that way too..... *sigh*
Comments 26
looks like the desperate one is not hika but you bb~ *whacked*
I imagine what will they do in their room while in public place they kissed passionately
Ah, just take your time for takanoo, I am not rushing but hope I still remember the idea, lol
And currently I am flailing over my ichiban, hahaha
hey heyyy it's still in the middle of noon in my place.. don't go wild just yet~~ lol
hahah gomenne.. since it 4000++ words.. i find a hardship translating it. ugh. but but but.. you still remember the idea, rite....?
and you're flailing about yamachan? hahahaha i guess you're already sick seeing Inoo with such weird sunglasses.
and nee.. ne... hunny bunny sweety... don't you miss me??? *puppy eyes* *gf teasing mode on*
Yes, I still have our chat last time so don't worry, once I re-read I will remember it again, well...I guess so, lol
Inoo sunglasses really makes me lol all day, i feel pathetic cause I let my tears out once I know him as yuri's fiance, so stupid of me
But yeah, he looks so perfect with that sunglasses XD
Uhn, flail over yamachan and daichan cause of kindaichi, but once i watch tds maybe will flail over inoosama again, this is the risk of having three ichibans
Aaaah my uke wanna be spoiled
Of course I miss you hunny bunny sweety
Lemme kiss you now -3-
But I know you are busy so I don't dare to contact you
Gyahaha <333
desho?? you shouldnt waste your tear for that baka. I know for sure that his drama will come out hilarious hahaha XDD
and.. pardon? perfect??? lol........... *speechless*
aaaah me really really want to watch kindaichi too but the net here is suck that it took forever to download it. mehhh. it would be better if inoo was there too in kindaichi that all your ichibans are there hahaha (but if there is inoo, i would prefer inoo with yabu and hika instead of with ariyama~ ahaha)
yes yes yes your uke felt lonely all the time bcs u're not here huhu :''(( *kiss kiss kiss*
But poor Hikaru, poor you ~ but Yabu and Inoo... aaaargh they're just meant to be DDDX
Niken-san I love you!
ahahaha poor hika.. it also would be perfect if the drama is just about yabu and hika fighting to get inoo instead of hika inoo fighting for a girl. *sigh* (lol it's unrelated with your comment rite XDD)
and I love you too! I am interested in your fic but still dont have the time to read it. I'll read it once my final is done 'kay! wait for my comment~
tbh, I always envy authors who can write and convey feelings into their fic. I can't. My fics don't have feeling in it, so I don't recommend you to read them #sigh
it's just my opinion tho ._.
and... I think that happened to most writer.. since I always feel that way too..... *sigh*
barang laku tuh si inoo XDD
kecolongan bunbun deh dia :p
aaah kangen sm ffmu XDD
boleh minta rikuest lg gaa?> XD
rikues apa sisss? the previous one still hasnt done yet ._. r u sure?
yg mana?? yg my heart?? Xo
b ukannya yg my heart ud end ya?? Xo
or should i make a fic where hikaru finally win from yabu? :p
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