Is this a general comment to all of your wonderful readers, has somebody been doing something praiseworthy for a while, has someone done something deserving of accolades recently, is somebody managing to survive a greater than usual amount of life's gift of challenges?
--Enquirking minds want to know.
Oh, I saw a fourteen week old African Grey in an Edmonton pet shop. I decided I was not enough of a bird person to acquire the critter. Besides, way too expensive for my blood.
Well, I was thinking of one friend in particular - who has been doing something praiseworthy for a while, has done something praiseworthy of accolades recently and continues to manage to survive a greater than usual amount of life's gift of challenge. This individual knows exactly who they are
( ... )
Comments 2
--Enquirking minds want to know.
Oh, I saw a fourteen week old African Grey in an Edmonton pet shop. I decided I was not enough of a bird person to acquire the critter. Besides, way too expensive for my blood.
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