That silly little paycut was a mistake. Apparently, the girl who does payroll is inept and has made this error on two of my three paychecks, which my boss manually corrected herself. That said, this week's check has the error corrected and I'm getting paid exactly what I'm supposed to be. Which is, of course, wonderful. She also said that she would reimburse me for the money that I lost in last week's pay check. Again: Awesome.
As for everything else, well.. one thing at a time, I suppose.
Adam's LJ reminded me of that meme that I wanted to take part in, so.. since I have nothing better to do:
Ask me a question.
Ask me anything and I promise to answer you. Anything-- small or big or embarrassing or life-altering... whatever! I'll answer it in a comment, though if it's too sensitive, I might screen it so just the two of us can see it. You can even ask more than one (but please, be reasonable :P).
The catch is this. If I answer your question, have to repost this meme in your LJ.
Should be interesting.