Yay! Last pill! These things are driving me nuts... I've had the most horrible, sickeningly sweet taste in the back of my throat that has been increasing in duration since I started the damn things. Yech. Not even coffee helps. It's like when you go to sleep with a really bad cold and your nose is completely stuffed and you wake the next morning
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Comments 3
I hope you are feeling better.
you'll have to explain shielding to me...
I don't wanna go to werk either..sighs.
Shielding... I don't know how much you are into the metaphysical. Wait... you remember those Herald-mage books? It's similar to what they do in those books. You use your energies to create a sheild to protect you or your home. Mostly it's just to keep the negative energies out and allow the good stuff and harmless stuff to pass through. Discourages people and things of ill-intent from invading your space.
*hugs back*
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
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