So, if Tim doesn't follow through with this one, I will be very dissapointed, and have to figure out something else, he kinda is my last hope at this point.
I'm expecting a tape in the mail from Daniel.
1. Who Made You Smile today?
Jen, her myspace comment, and soulseek, the fact that I found the song I was looking for.
2. What were you doing at 8 this morning?
3. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
Sorta sleeping, but waking up because the phone was ringing.
4. What is something that happened to you in 1995?
I don't know.
5. What is the last thing you said aloud?
Can't remember, I've been home alone most of the morning.
6. How many different things did you drink today?
I drank some vanilla soy milk, and some water.
7. What color is your toothbrush?
Pink and white.
8. What was the last thing you bought?
Food and ciggarettes.
9. What was the last gift you recieved for your birthday?
Last year... so much, records, flat iron, ps2, carton of smokes, tons of other things that mean even more than the stuff that was bought.
10. What color is your front door?
Brown. Gross.
11. Where do you keep your change?
My purse, or pocket.
12. What is the weather like today?
13. What is the best ice-cream flavor?
14. What is something you are excited about?
If Friday works out, but I have a feeling it wont, and then lots of shows in the future, ugh.
15. When was the last rainbow you saw?
I dunno.
16. What size shoe do you wear?
10. Yeah, I'm over it.
17. do you have a sister?
Yeah, Jessica, that fag.
18. Are you very random?
I can be. Tim's told me a million times that I am.
19. Do you want to cut your hair?
Nah, I dig it.
20. Are you over the age of 25
21. Do you talk alot?
It depends on who I'm talking to.
22. Do you watch The OC?
23. Does your screen name have an 'x' in it?
24. Do you know anyone called Steve?
Yeah, my dad.
25. Do you make up your own words?
26. Are you ticklish?
Yeah, I guess.
27. Are you typically a jealous person?
Hell yes.
28. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'G':
I don't have one.
29. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'Z'.
30. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list?
31. What did the last text message you recieved say?
"Word. I'll hella be getting on your train. Look for me when you pull in."
32. Do you chew on your straws?
Nah. I do have a ridiculous amount of straws sitting in my room right now, ridiculous nights with Jen and Tim usually result in things of this sort.
33. Do you have curly hair?
34. What is the next concert you're going to?
Concert? No clue.
35. Who is the coolest person in your life?
Vaness, Jen, Sean.
36. What is something you say alot?
Hella, and dude.
37. What is the last thing you ate?
38. Have you seen the movie 'Donnie Darko'?
39. Do you have work tomorrow?
40. Is marriage in your future?
Uhhh, maybe like 10 years down the road, that is if I don't carry out my plans which involve Kelly, the Benicia bridge, and alot of drive, reverse, drive, reverse.
41. When was the last time you said 'I love you' and meant it?
Uhhhmm, I say it to my friends all the time.
42. What should you be doing right now?
At school, I couldn't handle it today, though.
43. Do you have a nickname?
44. Do you believe in love at first sight?
45. Are you a heavy sleeper?
46. When was the last time you used a skateboard?
I can't skate.
47. What is the best movie you've seen in the past two weeks?
Fight club! Well, it's been longer than two weeks, but whatever.
48. What kind of mobile phone do you have?
49. Who's the last person you saw?
My mom.
50. Are you currently depressed?
Always, it never goes away, it just gets better and worse.