I know I haven't been posting around here much. If you wanna know what's going on in my life... two words:
Dragon Cave. ^^;
What I thought was gonna be a simple case of getting a few pixelated dragons to decorate my LJ turned out to be an obsession to collect every type of dragon breed available. And it doesn't help that I want to collect both genders, all the rares, alts and special holiday type dragons either! It's unhealthy, but I can't stop! You could check my dragon brood on my post called (duh!) "My dragon brood! ♥" or just check out
my scroll to have an idea of how crazy I am about these little guys.
In other news, I have decided to have a 30+ minute workout for twice a week in order to lose some weight. So far, I have been exercising to:
a) Dance Workout with Richard Simmons: Sweatin' to the Oldies II and,
b) MTV Grind Workout: Hip Hop Aerobics
The first one was rather fun to dance around to but the second one was where I really worked out a sweat. I'm rather awkward at hip hop though. I guess oldies is more of my thing, even though I felt a bit weird dancing to some of Richard Simmons' moves. xD
*sigh* Well, that's all I have to say for now. Other than that, I can't wait to get my copy of Street Fighter IV this Thursday, if I'm not mistaken.