Six of Cups (khr, 69+96)

Jan 09, 2009 00:59

for 31_days
Series: 家庭教師ヒットマン・REBORN!» Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Characters: 69+96
Rating: G-PG
All characters belong to Amano Akira.


The world is wide but within us, it is as deep as the sea. - RILKE

They cannot scare me with their empty spaces
Between stars--on stars where no human race is. - FROST


It was a common fantasy for girls her age, that coloured the dun succession of seemingly endless schooldays. Pottery class always provided the perfect opportunity to compare. In the sun-swathed studio and over the hum of a dozen potter's wheels, they spun their men as they spun their projects: the gangster with the rough exterior and the jagged edges; the smooth talker brimming with bottomless affection; the jock with the fire-hardened determination to please.

"Take-kun from the third class. Someone like him, but without the bad grades."

"Somebody like Kimu Taku! I really like hard-bodied athlete types!"

Every week when they met for the three-hour class, they brought their stories of ideal men along, and every week some bits were added, or taken away. The chattering and girlish giggles dominated these Friday afternoons, and at the end of many sessions, less than half of them had actually accomplished the afternoon's objective.

At the end of the term, more than half had realised that, like clay, fantasies that were left unattended to for long became dry, and hardened. Flesh-and-blood boys had a terrible consistency that refused to hold any shape of promise or pact.

Nobody really cared to ask her these things, as they assumed such fancies eluded her. The girl in the warmest corner of the room working on the clunkiest wheel, nevertheless raising perfectly molded cups and vases, dainty demitasses that should have deserved a praise or two; surely such a watery character, without friends and without a personality, could not begin to dream of such things!

Her dreams were like her creations, the act of creating them already a familiar routine that ended every week. Forests and clearings flourished in the world she created for herself, and fictional places found form and dimension. Vast courtyards framed with cherry trees in bloom stretched out before her, but although she took care to add detail to the littlest thing, these places were eerily unoccupied.

Her perfect cups stared back at her from their perfectly-shaped concaves, empty.

It wasn't such a foreign feeling, the suspended nothingness that served to make what already existed seem a painful reminder of what was lacking. It was pain of a different sort, this time, sure--every breath strained the stitches, each exhalation had the aftertaste of wet metal, the cauterized stump of the severed optic nerve throbbed incessantly. She still saw the truck's tires in her sleep sometimes, large overhead, spinning with the noise of her potter's turntable.

Merely the beginning of another cycle.

His voice filled her first, a human ringing that thrummed in her unpeopled world. It wasn't such an intrusive feeling, she found out with much surprise, when eventually the rest of him began to pour into her, the essence of a strong will settling in deep. With him he brought his mind, his six-sphered world that took the form of hers with frightening ease. With him he brought the memory of a body, while his was thoroughly incapacitated, allowing her to function.

Nagi, I have need of you.

Nobody cared to wonder how the patient of room 316, only days removed from a major surgical operation, was up and about. Nobody cared to wonder how a girl who had lost a lung, a spleen, several other organs, and who was up for a stalled blood transfusion managed to very placidly, on her absent parents' credit card, sign herself out of the hospital.

An intern who remembered her and who assisted in the surgical procedure recognised her in the hallway.

"Excuse me, but aren't you the daughter of the chemical company director?" The intern looked at her, surprised. "You sure you should be up? How do you feel?"

He stirred inside her, testing his new vessel, and she felt his will seep out warmly to touch every nerve and broken bone, every absent artery and body part, fortifying his host for the long journey ahead. She opened her mouth, feeling truly full for the first time, feeling truly alive for the first time, and he overflowed.


➀ Kimu Taku → Kimura Takuya », a baseball player. Also a famous SMAP character, and either way the two are popular with schoolgirls with their sorts of preferences. >_>;

➁ pottery → I assumed Nagi would be (previously) enrolled in a private school or so, given that she seemed to come from an affluent family. Pottery is a favourite 'home-ec' option in middle school.

➂six of cups → from the minor arcana tarot pack. A more detailed (divination-based) description from here (of course) »

➃ So telling what sort of seminar I came from today XD PINEAPPLE! Not really...I'm just really intrigued by their joint-body relationship. Also...cameos of other guardians all over the story! XD

➄ Set anytime between Chrome waking up, and the meeting w/ Iemitsu regarding the guardian rings.

Cross-posted to pineappleluff

fandom » katekyo hitman REBORN!, project » 31_days, pairing » 6996, character » Rokudo Mukuro, character » Dokuro Chrome, form » fanfiction

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