OOC post!

Mar 03, 2008 22:28

YEAH It's a little early for random babbling BUT OH WELL.

Favourite things:

-nice warm coats
-nice warm food
-NORMAL jobs with NORMAL people who DON'T want to kill him
-there was this really good shampoo that they made a few years ago but they stopped and AEGHFSngsdfn why did they stop it was awesome.
-uhhh cable's nice
-so's the internet

Least favourite things:

-spoiled milk
-when the landlord decides it's fun to cut off the electricity -- come on, the rent was only two weeks late, asshole!
-HUMIDITY, it wreaks havoc on hair, okay.
-heat -- the apartment doesn't have air conditioning.

What he thinks of--


ASSHOLE. Except for when he saves Badou's ass (which happens more often than either of them cares to admit) and just ARGH he HATES it when people think he's gay for Haine. I MEAN COME ON Badou's TOTALLY STRAIGHT okay, maybe a LITTLE TINY BIT GAY. JUST A LITTLE. and even if he wasn't, he's got way better taste than Haine. I mean, yeah, he's grateful for all the times that Haine's SAVED HIS LIFE but it kind of cancels out when he BREAKS INTO HIS APARTMENT or KICKS HIM or MAKES FUN OF HIM or LAUGHS AT HIM. SEWING IS MANLY, OK. And so is his hair. And his fashion sense! MANLY. MANLY. Haine's more girly than him, goddamnit, so why do people always think he's the woman. All in all, Haine in general just sort of irks Badou, but he's tolerable. Partners out of convenience -- Badou with Haine because Haine's some unkillable regenerating freak who he can (usually) count on to get him out of shit. And Haine with Badou -- actually, I'm not sure why Haine sticks around. Uh.


Nice enough girl. Doesn't know much about her, other than her genetics have been fucked with, resulting in her wings and lack of voice. Badou's a bit disappointed that she didn't kick Haine in the balls. He actually was going to follow through with his promise of ice-cream, too. The main reason why he doesn't know much about Nill, nor interact with her a lot is due to a) his with paranoia with EVERYONE EXISTING EVER and b) Haine's freaky-ass big-brother complex.


Doesn't know too much about Naoto, either, except for the fact that she's looking for someone with a sword. He does think she's kind of stupid for keeping it up. Not stupid as in academically-stupid. More like prideful-stupid. He doesn't know about the amnesia (I don't think sodgasfn), though, so his opinion would change a little if he knew about it. Badou also thinks she's waaaay too uptight -- loosen up, you're totally going to regret spending your life looking for someone who doesn't even exist. He thinks he knows how she feels, because he spent quite a while looking for his brother before giving up. (He still feels a bit guilty about that, not that he'd ever admit it.) Yeah, Badou's got a bit of a I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THE WORLD AND YOU CAN'T TELL ME OTHERWISE kind of attitude. Uh.


HAHAHA he's just scared shitless of him. If he's anything like Haine (and Jin seems even more apathetic towards killing people than Haine, oh god oh god). If he actually got to know Jin, I don't think he'd be as terrified of Jin as he is know. Still scared but uhhh if he doesn't piss him off, Badou'll be fine, right? Right?


He doesn't quite realize that she doesn't pose much of a threat to him (well, still a threat, but not as much as JIN). Yeah, Badou gets that she's not as... as... weird, but he's just too goddamn paranoid and socially inept (by choice rather than lack of ability) to investigate further.


Is a creeeepy little girl. Badou's pretty sure she's got like KNIVES or POISON or SOMETHING hidden away on her. Something just isn't right. IN the future, he's going to try to steer clear of her (just like everyone else, but you already knew that.)

What he does in his spare time:

-TV! Lots of news channels, if he's lucky and it's close enough, he can find developing stories and maybe make some extra money selling his reports and photos.
-Sleep. His job(s) and general retardation don't give him much time for it, and Haine usually pesters him to stay awake. This is because Badou sleeps like a goddamn log. You wouldn't think it by his OH MY GOD EVERYONE'S OUT TO GET ME mentality, but he could sleep through the goddamn apocolypse.
-Solitaire. He gets bored and when the cable's out or his electricity's been cut and there aren't any good movies playing (or he's too cheap to go out and see one -- that, or too lazy), he'll just sit.... and play solitaire. By himself. For hours. ... It's actually kind of depressing.
-Action films! Car chase, explosions, gun fights, bank robberies, the whole deal! Don't ask him why he likes them, he just does. (There's usually a naked girl or two along the way in those movies, too.)


I really should be doing homework slfgnkadf

ooc, random

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