
Sep 06, 2007 21:11

Sooo, after showing off my new camera a few days ago I heard you wanted some pictures. Well, here be pictures. There you go.

This is Tigre, my cat. Don't let the furry little thing fool you: he's a fucking fierce beast making me wish I had a thorazine-loaded squirtgun half of the time (the other half he sleeps, thanks Bastet).

This is soooooooo gothique. Close-up of a statue in Parma's beautiful Parco Ducale. Making up for all those cemetery pics I did NOT take when I was an angsty kid.

This is a snail. Looks like s-he's bumped into something but made it anyway. At least an animal you can take pictures of without worrying about motion.

Ivy leaves on a wall in Parco Ducale, Parma. Pointless, but years as an Opeth-listening angsty kid left me with an addiction to ivy leaves on wall.
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