oh, my heart. ): i mean, i'm pretty hungry right now, but this fic just fills me with this terrible sense of emptiness. and weariness, and adjklskjlsad joonmyun.
hoping this to be longer because of joonmyun >.< lol dont mind me~
and now joonmyun knows (is not quite sure, but is forcing himself to believe) that allowing himself to get swallowed up into a bottomless pit in lieu of letting five other boys shine brighter than the sun itself is what it means to have a dream.
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i mean, i'm pretty hungry right now, but this fic just fills me with this terrible sense of emptiness. and weariness, and adjklskjlsad joonmyun.
on another note, thanks for the feedback!
and now joonmyun knows (is not quite sure, but is forcing himself to believe) that allowing himself to get swallowed up into a bottomless pit in lieu of letting five other boys shine brighter than the sun itself is what it means to have a dream.
but joonmyun, i want you to be the brightest sun.
ty for reading, yes?
because currently people dont notice that he is the brightest sun ;~;
this seems like what is rly happening (´Д` )
joonmyun-ah fighting!!
many thanks for the feedback, btw.
d'awww. thanks, bb. :3
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